Home > Section Resources > Category Acronyms and abbreviations > Group Acronyms and abbreviations, Letter P
Acronyms and abbreviations, Letter P
This Group contains acronyms and abbreviations for the letter P. Acronyms and abbreviations that are determined by CBNRM Net as being specifically related to CBNRM are noted accordingly. See Category Terminology for more information on the terms corresponding to these CBNRM-related acronyms and abbreviations, specifically its Groups Knowledge management terms, Structural terms, and Processual terms.
The Group contains the following acronyms and abbreviations:
- PA Protected Area
- PA Poverty Assessment
- PAC Problem Animal Control
- PACSICOM Pan-African Conference on Sustainable Integrated Coastal Management
- PAD Project Appraisal Document
- PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
- PAP Poverty Alleviation Programme
- PAM Problem Animal Management
- PAR Participatory Action Research
- PAR Problem Animal Reporting
- PAR-CBNRM Participatory Action Research for Community-Based Natural Resource Management
- PASIA Protected Areas Social Impact Assessment
- PCB polychlorinated biphenyl
- PCIA Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment
- PCR Project Completion Report.
- PCRA Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment
- PCU Program Coordination Unit
- PD Participatory Development
- PDF Project Development Facility
- PDF Project Development Funds
- PDLG Participatory Development Learning Group
- PEA Primary Education Advisor
- Peipsi CTC Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation
- PEM Public Expenditure Management
- PER Public Expenditure Review
- PERGSA (Organization for) Protection of the Environment of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
- PFM Participatory Forest Management
- PGIS Participatory GIS. Comments: See 'GIS'
- PI Program Initiative
- PID Project Information Document
- PID Public Information Document
- PIF Policy Investment Framework
- PiP Parks in Peril Program
- PIR Project Implementation Review
- PLA Participatory Learning and Action
- PMAC Park Management Advisory Committee
- PM&E Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- PMS Poverty Monitoring System
- PNG Papua New Guinea
- POM polycyclic organic matter
- POP persistent organic pollutant
- PPA Participatory Poverty Assessment
- PPAH Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook
- PPAR Project Performance Assessment Report
- PPE Priority Poverty Expenditure
- PPGIS Public Participation GIS. Comments: See 'GIS'
- PPI Private Provision of Infrastructure
- PPM Production and Process Method
- PPP Purchasing Power Parity
- PPPOA Programme Pastoral Pilote Ouest Africain. Comments: A World Bank project. See acronym 'WAPP'
- PPP Public Private sector Partnership
- PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal. Comments: CBNRM acronym/abbreviation
- PRA Participatory Rural Assessment. Comments: CBNRM acronym/abbreviation
- PPGIS Public Participation GIS. Comments: Focus on Asia. Source is Public participation GIS
- PREM Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network. Comments: World Bank acronym
- PPER Project Performance and Evaluation Review
- PRODERS Participation in Regional Sustainable Development Programs
- PRS Poverty Reduction Strategy
- PRSC Poverty Reduction Support Credits
- PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
- PSC Production-sharing contract
- PSC Project Steering Committee
- PSD Private sector development
- PSIA Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (World Bank)
- PSMR Public Sector Management Reform
- PSR Project Supervision Report
- PSR Public Sector Reform
- PTA Preferential Trade Area
- PTC People's Trading Centre
- PTD Participatory Technology Development. Comments: Source is Prolinnova
- PTF Project Task Force
- PTR Pupil to Teacher Ratio
- PVA Private Voluntary Association
- PVO Private Voluntary Organization
- PWP Public Works Programme
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