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Acronyms and abbreviations, Letter C
This Group contains acronyms and abbreviations for the letter C. Acronyms and abbreviations that are determined by CBNRM Net as being specifically related to CBNRM are noted accordingly. See Category Terminology for more information on the terms corresponding to these CBNRM-related acronyms and abbreviations, specifically its Groups Knowledge management terms, Structural terms, and Processual terms.
The Group contains the following acronyms and abbreviations:
- CA Communal Area
- CAE Country Assistance Evaluation
- CAIP Cairo Air Improvement Project
- CAMRE Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment
- CAMS Climate Anomaly Monitoring System
- CAMPFIRE Communal Area(s)s Management Programme for Indigenous Resources. Comments: Focus on Africa [Zimbabwe]
- CAP Community Action Program
- CAPWIP Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics
- CARPE Central Africa Regional Programme for the Environment
- CBD United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
- CBO Community-Based Organization
- CBT Community-Based Tourism
- CDM Clean Development Mechanism
- CFG Community Forestry Group
- CGE Computable General Equilibrium
- CHA Controlled Hunting Area. Comments: Focus on Botswana
- CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
- CARPE Central Africa Regional Programme for the Environment
- CAS Country Assessment Strategy
- CAS Country Assistance Strategy
- CB Community-Based
- CBC Community-Based Conservation
- CBCC Community-Based Child Care
- CBCRM Community-Based Coastal Resource Management
- CBCRMP Community-Based Coastal Resource Management Program. Comments: A project. Focus on Philippines
- CBD Community-Based Development. Comments: Partly same meaning as 'Community-Driven development'. See Group CBNRM, Processual terms. Source is World Bank
- CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
- CBDM Community-Based Disaster Management.
- CBFM Community-Based Fisheries Management
- CBFM Community-Based Forest Management
- CBFMA Community-Based Forest Management Agreement
- CBFiM Community-Based Fire Management. Comments: Project Fire Fight South East Asia
- CBFMO Community-Based Forest Management Office. Comments: Focus on Philippines
- CBG Community-Based Group
- CBIEM Community-Based Integrated Ecosystem Management
- CBM Community-Based Management
- CBMRM Community-Based Marine Resource Management
- CBMS Community-Based Monitoring System
- CBNRM Community-Based Natural Resource Management
- CBNRM Net Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network. Comments: CBNRM acronym
- CB-NRM Comments: See 'CBNRM'
- CBNRCM Community-Based Natural Resource Conflict Management. Comments: Focus on Asia. See also CBNRM Net Newsletter no. 21 (May 2003). Source is Forestry Policy and Institutions Branch (FONP), FAO
- CBO Community-Based Organization
- CBP Community-Based Planning
- CBPP Community-Based Park Protection
- CBPE Community-Based Population and Environment. Comments: Focus on Asia
- CBPR Community-Based Participatory Research.
- CBPR Community-Based Property Right
- CBRDP Community-Based Rural Development Program
- CBRDP Community-Based Rural Development Project
- CBRM Community-Based Resource Management
- CBT Community-Based Tourism. Comments: Focus on Asia
- CBWM Community-Based Watershed Management
- CBWM Community-Based Wildlife Management. Comments: Also called 'community wildlife management'. Also abbreviated 'CWM'
- CC Community Conservation
- CCA Community Conserved Area. Comments: Source is IUCN
- CCA Credit Ceiling Authority
- CCF Climate Change Fund
- CCS Commitment Control System
- CCU Community Conservation Unit
- CDA Community Development Association
- CDD Community-Driven Development. Comments: Partly same meaning as 'Community-Based development' (see Group CBNRM, Processual terms). Source is World Bank
- CDF Community Development Fund
- CDM Clean Development Mechanism
- CDP Community Development Program
- CDSS Community Day Secondary School
- CDW Community Development Worker
- CEDARE Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe. Comments: Focus on Africa
- CEE Central and Eastern European countries
- CEFDHAC Conference on Ecosystems of Dense Humid Forests in Central Africa
- CEMAC Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa
- CER Certified Emission Reduction
- CESP Country Environmental Strategy Paper
- CF Community Forestry
- CFA Communauté Financière Africaine
- CFC chlorofluorocarbon
- CFM Collaborative Forest Management
- CFSC Communication for Social Change
- CGG Community Game Guard
- CGRN Gestion Communautaire des Ressources Naturelles
- CHA Controlled Hunting Area. Comments: Focus on Botswana
- CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
- CIGIS Community Integrated GIS. Comments: See 'GIS'
- CIFM Community Involvement in Forest Management
- CILSS Inter-State Committee to Combat Drought in the Sahel
- CIPR Community Intellectual Property Right
- CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- CLC Community Learning Centre
- CM Co-Management
- CMC Community Multimedia Centre
- CMLE Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem
- CMPA Co-managed Protected Area. Comments: Source is IUCN
- CMS Central Medical Stores
- CMS Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
- CMWG IUCN/CEESP Collaborative Management Working Group. Comments: Has changed name. See 'TGER'
- CNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
- CO carbon monoxide
- CO2 carbon dioxide
- COMBINE Community-Based Information Network
- COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
- COP Community Of Practice
- CPA Communal Property Association
- CPI Consumer Price Index
- CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment
- CPPR Country Portfolio Performance Review
- CPTF Country Project Task Force
- CPUE Catch-per-Unit-of-Effort
- CR Communauté Rurale
- CRM Coastal Resource Management
- CRM Community Resource Monitor
- CS Civil Society
- CSO Civil Service Organization
- CSO Civil Society Organization
- CSP Country Strategy Paper
- CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
- CTA Chief Technical Advisor
- CTC Center for Transboundary Cooperation
- CVU Current Vulnerability Assessment
- CWG Community Women's Group
- CWIQ Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire
- CWM Community Wildlife Management. Comments: See acronym 'CBWM'
- CWM Community(-Based) Wildlife Management. Comments: See 'CBWM'
- CY Calendar Year
- CDS Coastal Development Strategy
- CZM Coastal Zone Management
- CZP Coastal Zone Policy
- CZPo Coastal Zone Policy
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Categories: | Acronyms and abbreviations | Activities and interventions | Conferences, seminars and workshops | Countries | Dictionaries | Internet | Links | Literature | Newsletters | Organizations | Papers | Projects | Regions | Special | Terminology | Tools | Topics | Training and capacity building |
Groups: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Pages: | Background | Sources |