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Acronyms and abbreviations, Letter A
This Group contains acronyms and abbreviations for the letter A. Acronyms and abbreviations that are determined by CBNRM Net as being specifically related to CBNRM are noted accordingly. See Category Terminology for more information on the terms corresponding to these CBNRM-related acronyms and abbreviations, specifically its Groups Knowledge management terms, Structural terms, and Processual terms.
The Group contains the following acronyms and abbreviations:
- ACOPS Advisory Committee on the Protection of the Sea / Comité consultatif su la protection des mers
- ADB African Development Bank. Comments: See 'BAD'
- ADF African Development Fund.
- ADD Agricultural Development Division
- ADMADE Administrative Management Design for Game Areas / Programme de conception administrative des zones de gestion de la faune. Comments: Zambia / Zambie
- ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
- AEC African Economic Community
- AEO Africa Environment Outlook / Avenir de l'environnement en Afrique
- AFREPREN Africa Energy Policy Research Network
- AFTP Agroforestry Tree Product
- AGNU Assemblée générale des Nations Unies
- AGOA African Growth Opportunities Act
- AICDD African Institute for Community-Driven Development
- AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- AIGD Autorité intergouvernementale pour le développement
- AIJ Activities Implemented Jointly
- AKRSP Aga Khan Rural Support Program
- ALAT Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania
- ALPINA Air Pollution Impact Network for Africa
- AMCEN African Ministerial Conference on the Environment
- AME accord multilatéral sur l'environnement
- AMU Arab Maghreb Union. Comments: Focus on Africa
- APD Aide publique au développement
- APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
- APINA Air Pollution Impact Network for Africa / réseau de surveillance des effets de la pollution de l'air en Afrique
- APR Annual Project Review
- ArabMAB Arab Man and Biosphere (network) / réseau - L'homme et la biosphère dans les pays arabes
- ARI acute respiratory infection
- ARM Action Research Management
- ARV Anti-Retroviral
- ASB Alternatives to slash and burn
- ASCN African Sustainable Cities Network / réseau pour le developpement durable des villes africaines
- ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations
- ASM Artisanal and small-scale mining
- ATO African Timber Organization
- AU African Union
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Categories: | Acronyms and abbreviations | Activities and interventions | Conferences, seminars and workshops | Countries | Dictionaries | Internet | Links | Literature | Newsletters | Organizations | Papers | Projects | Regions | Special | Terminology | Tools | Topics | Training and capacity building |
Groups: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Pages: | Background | Sources |