CBNRM Net Home > Section Webhosting
This Section provides webhosting services. Material and knowledge that are hosted include, broadly speaking: (1) web sites and (2) documents. The documents include literature that is hard to come by, either because it was never published (e.g., proceedings of conferences and seminars), because it is difficult to locate (e.g., on-line newsletters), or because it is out-of-print (e.g., books). Other types of documents that can be downloaded are available in Category Literature.
Local groups, NGOs and networks that focus on CBNRM-related activities and that wish to utilize this service will receive technical advice and server space for free.
The Section contains the following Items:
- L'Atelier de regionalisation de L'IASCP en Afrique de L'Ouest francophone
Geographic coverage: West Africa. Comment(s): Output of a meeting of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Francophone West-Africa Network, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 24-25 September 2001. For further information on this meeting see Category Documents. Download:
Summary report,
Synthesis Report (English),
Synthesis Report (French),
Equipe preparatoire IASCP Afrique de L'Ouest.
- Elevage et gestion de parcours au Sahel, implications pour le développement
Geographic coverage: Africa Ouest / West Africa. Comments: Comptes-rendus d'un atelier régional ouest-african su 'La gestion des pâturages et les projets de développement: quelles perspectives?', Niamey, Niger, tenu du 2 au 6 Octobre 2000. Keywords: herders, law, pastoralism, rangeland management, West Africa. The seminar and its proceedings are hosted here au Français and in English. The proceedings are published as: Tielkes, Eric, et al, eds. (2001) (see Category Literature, Authors), and it is the complete proceedings as available in this volume that is hosted.
- Holistic resource management
Geographic coverage: The Sahel, West Africa. Comments: This is the report 'Outreach manual for pastoral communities. The West Africa Pilot Pastoral Program (WAPPP)' (John M. Hall, ed., 2002, Washington D.C., USA: World Bank). This was a World Bank supported project, co-financed by Norway. WAPPP started in 1994 and closed in 2002. WAPPP staff was involved in the production of this manual on 'Holistic resource management'. Originally written in French, translated into English.
- id21
Geographic coverage: Global. Comments: id21 communicates UK-based international development research to decision-makers and practitioners. Relevant id21 publications are made available here.
- International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)
Geographic coverage: Global. Comments: This workshop was organized by the World Bank, and took place in Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. More than 200 participants from over 60 countries came together and discussed CBNRM case studies. A dedicated workshop web site was created. The workshop is of special significance for CBNRM Net because the idea to create this global network of CBNRM practitioners and stakeholders was put forward by the participants at the workshop as a key recommendation to the World Bank and other international stakeholders.
- Policy Think Tank (PTT) Series
Geographic coverage: Global (with an emphasis on Africa). Comments: A series of papers written by Saliem Fakir.
- Sustaining Livelihoods in Southern Africa (SLSA)
Geographic coverage: Southern Africa. Comments: An electronic journal and a joint initiative of Khanya - managing rural change cc and CARE-South Africa/Lesotho.
Web sites
- Common Property Resource Management Network (CPRNet)
Geographic coverage: Global. Comments: A global network of people working on common property resources and their management. Now joined with CBNRM Net.
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