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Training and capacity building
This Category contains knowledge about training and capacity building activities, including both informal and formal activities, and as taking place throughout the world. The training providers are found in public sector, in the private sector and in civil society. Items are listed alphabetically according to training provider. In some cases only the institution and not specific training and capacity building activities are listed. Both specific training activities and training programs, that is, activities that are offered regularly, for example, annually, are included. There is some overlap between knowledge in this Category and knowledge in Category Conferences, seminars and workshops.
The Category consists of the following Items:
- African College for Community Based Natural Resource Management. Description: The goals and policies of the program arise from threats to wildlife and other natural resources in Zambia and to rural livelihoods in areas surrounding national parks. Overall the program strives for a long-term, sustainable solution to problems suffered by communities due to underdevelopment, opportunity costs from living with large wild animals, and to economic losses due to poaching and poor community land use practices. In seeking solutions to these problems, the College is helping communities become directly responsible for managing natural resources found on their land and developing new and legal ways that a more diversified use of natural resources can sustain to promote rural livelihoods. Location: ?. Time: ?. URL: www.africancollege.edu.zm/ Comments: Located in Zambia.
- Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA). Description: A network of partners promoting the development of effective education policies based on African leadership and ownership. Location: ?. Time: ?. URL: www.adeanet.org/. Comments: Headquartered in Paris, France.
- GTZ, Sector Network Rural Development (SNRD). Description: The overall objectives are to provide a common background of Collaborative Wildlife Management as part of CBNRM, and to share approaches on planning methods, tools, and practices to promote and enhance CBNRM in and around Protected Areas Systems to link rural development and the conservation of biodiversity. The methods include: Presentation and analyzing of participants' own situation, sharing of experiences, doing practical exercises on introduced case studies with a one day field-trip, group work on planning exercises, role plays, and lectures. Location: Harare, Zimbabwe. Time: 2003. URL: www.gtz.de/snrd/training/f030404.html. Email: SNRD@internet.co.zw. Comments: SNRD covers Sub-Saharan Africa. Contact person is Simon Machingura. For course evaluation see a future CBNRM Net Newsletter. Future courses may be given also in French.
- GTZ, Sector Network Rural Development (SNRD). Description: Course title "Organisational development in natural resource management and forestry". Location: Nelspruit, South Africa. Time: 3-7 March 2003. Email: elmo@gtzpsdp.co.za. Comments: SNRD covers Sub-Saharan Africa. Download: Flyer | Outline
- International Development Research Centre. Description: Course name: 'Second international workshop on CBNRM in Asia'. Location: Guiyang, China. Time: 16-20 October 2000. URL: http://www.idrc.ca/cbnrm/index.html. Email: cbnrm@idrc.ca. Comments: IDRC's Newsletter "NRM ChangeLinks" for February 2001 is a special issue focusing on the workshop. Download: NRM ResearchLinks no. 3, February 2001.
- IUCN, Botswana, Training workshop for local authorities. Description: Title: "Legislation and policies affecting CBNRM in Botswana". Objective: to build the capacity, knowledge and skills of personnel on CBNRM in the core area of legislation and policies that affect natural resources. Local authorities include District Administration, District Councils, Land Board and the Tribal Administration. There are two modules: Module I for decision makers (Councillors, Tribal Administration and Land Board members), and Module II for planning and technical assistance staff (District Council, Land Board and District Administration). Location: Maun, Botswana. Time: 24-26 July 2002 (module I), and 29-31 July 2002 (module II). URLs: www.iucnbot.bw/, www.cbnrm.bw/. Email: iucn@iucnbot.bw. Comments: Contact person: Eva-Sofia Figueroa. The report and training manual is available on the IUCN Botswana web site.
- North-South Tourism Route (NSTR). Description: Course title "Community-Based Natural Resource Management" A 2 week study tour offering a detailed introduction to some of the key CBNRM issues in Southern Africa, organized as a community-based, sustainable and responsible tourism operation. Location: Southern Namibia and the western part of South Africa. Time: [not listed]. URL: North-South Tourism Route. Email: daphne@ecoafrica.co.za. Comments: Listed in CBNRM Net Newsletter no. 23 (December 2003). Download: CBNRM study tour program.
- The Project for Information Access and Connectivity (PIAC). Description: Established by the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, to collaborate with African grantees and program officers of both foundations on using technology to: (a) enhance communications and the ability to work with colleagues and like-minded organizations in Africa and overseas, (b) improve access to information, and (c) improve the dissemination of African information. Contains links to activities and products that addresses communications needs and knowledge management based on ICT. Location: ?. Time: estbl. 1997 - closed 2002. URL: www.piac.org/. Comments: ?.
- RECOFTC, International training course in case study writing.. Description: Targeted at people working in organizations and projects that want to learn how to document lessons, go beyond the conventional way of communication ideas, and that are looking for practical tools to better analyze own experiences. Participants will be provided with practical tools and methods to sharpen critical thinking and strenghten the ability to write up lessons learned. The course aims to enable the participants to improve key skills in analysis and writing, to have practiced all steps in effective case writing, and to analyze lessons learned and write them up in an appropriate and attractive way. Location: Bangkok, Thailand. Time: 7-19 October 2002. URL: www.recoftc.org/courses.html. Email: contact@recoftc.org. Comments: The course builds upon the "CBNRM Networking and Case Study Writing Initiative" in Cambodia, that uses case study development as a means for networking and not as an end in itself.
- Rhodes Univ., Environmental Science Programme, First CBNRM Short Course. Description: Course title "Community-Based Natural Resource Management: Theory and practice". Location: Grahamstown, South Africa. Time: August 2000. URL: Environmental Science Programme. Comments: ?. Download: Course brochure.
- Rhodes Univ., Environmental Science Programme, Second CBNRM Short Course. Description: The course highlights approaches and issues relating to the sustainable use of natural resources for community-based development. It focuses mainly on South Africa's CBNRM challenges. The course explores the different approaches to CBNRM, while introducing practical multidisciplinary tools and methods for dealing with the sustainable management of communally owned resources. It aims to develop a critical understanding of the use and appropriateness of these tools and methods. A field trip and case studies of current work in CBNRM links theoretical concepts to practice in contexts. Location: Grahamstown, South Africa. Time: July-August 2001. URL: Environmental Science Programme. Comments: ?. Download: Course brochure.
- Rhodes Univ., Environmental Science Programme, Third CBNRM Short Course. Description: The course explores different approaches to CBNRM, and examine the key ingredients for success or failure. It will in particular deal with the importance of management interventions and strategies, institutional structures, and the roles, rights and responsibilities of stakeholders. The course also looks at monitoring and evaluation within CBNRM processes, linked to the concept of developing 'indicators'. Location: Grahamstown, South Africa. Time: July 2002. URL: Environmental Science Programme. Comments: ?. Download: Course brochure, Course program.
- Seattle Community Network, Community self-management, empowerment and development (CSMED). Description: On-line self-training. A private and voluntary public service site. Also in Spanish and French. Location: ?. Time: ?. URL: www.scn.org/ip/cds/cmp/. Comments: ?.
- Southern Africa Wildlife College, Course program on environmental management. Description: Cover a range of topics, including protected area management, facilitation, communication, conflict management, research management, GIS applications, fire management, community-based tourism and wildlife valuation tools. Location: Hoedspruit, South Africa. Time: May - September 2002. URL: Southern Africa Wildlife College. Comment(s): ?. Download: 2002 course program.
- St. Francis Xavier Univ., Coady International Institute & Extension Department. Description: Designed to provide community leaders and senior level management professionals with an opportunity to analyze, experience and apply innovative community-based approaches to NRM. Location: Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. Time: 11-29 November 2002 & 10-28 November 2003. URL: St. Francis Xavier University. Comments: See the conference that was organized at the same time and place in November 2002 (Category Conferences). Download: Coady's Learning and Innovations Institute, Certificate in Community-based resource management (CBRM).
- Univ. of Sussex, Graduate Research Centre for Culture, Development & Environment (CDE). Description: Aims to foster critical perspectives on development through linking the economic, the social and the cultural, as well as collaboration between physical and social scientists in wide-ranging research on environmental change. CDE offers a number of MA programmes, of which two touch on CBNRM issues: (1) MA in Rural Development, and (2) MA in Environment, Development & Policy. The former is a multidisciplinary analysis of technical, social and environmental issues, emphasizing practical awareness of problems in the application of development policies., and the latter addresses environmental management in developing countries. Both are full-time or part-time. Location: ?. Time: ?. URL: CDE home page Comments: ?. Download: MA programme in Rural Development, MA programme in Environment, Development & Policy.
- Univ. of Florida, Project Management and Development Policy (FOR 6394). Description: This course intends to show the concepts, tools, and techniques used in natural resource project management. Principal objectives to: (a) learn to develop natural resource projects, and (b) understand linkages between policies and projects within the broad context of development assistance programs. Location: ?. Time: Fall 1998. URL: www.sfrc.ufl.edu/Class/FOR6634/proj.htm. Comments: ?. Download: Course program.
- Univ. of Oregon, Dept. of Geography. Description: Lecture "Thinking globally - acting locally: Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)". Location: ?. Time: November 2000. URL: UO, Dept. of Geography. Comments: ?. Download: Lecture.
- Univ. of Western Cape & Univ. of Zimbabwe, Governance in Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). Description: Objectives: (1) train government and other agency staff in conceptual and practical skills in relation to the governance aspects of CBNRM, (2) provide information on comparative experiences of CBNRM policy and practice in southern Africa, (3) discuss and debate key issues of CBNRM policy and practice in a southern African context, and (4) provide a forum for government, NGO staff and private sector to share experiences and discuss collaborative activities and cross-sectoral linkages aimed at facilitating integrated approaches to sustainable community resource management. Location: Cape Town. Time: September 2001. URLs: Univ. of Western Cape, CBNRM Programme, Course overview. Download: Course brochure, Course overview.
- Wildlife management courses. Description: A mobile classroom that travels to nature reserves in Southern Africa, teaching wildlife management from a practical point of view. Location: ?. Time: May 2002 - January 2003. URL: Ecolife Expeditions. Download: Course descriptions. Comment(s): The document available on CBNRM Net contains detailed descriptions of all courses.
- Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC). Description: Course title "Facilitation skills for community forestry". Will practice a range of non-conventional facilitation skills including probing, paraphrasing, reframing and tracking. Location: Thailand. Time: 16-27 June 2003. URL: www.recoftc.org. Email: info@recoftc.org. Comments: Deadline for application 10 May 2003.
- International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR). Description: Course title "Participatory Action Research (PAR) for Community-Based natural Resource Management (CBNRM)". Location: Cavite, Philippines. Time: 8-9 December 2003. URL: IIRR. Email: Peter.OHara@iirr.org. Comments: This course was organized was the first time. Further courses are planned. Download: Course report, Course participant evaluation.
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