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CBNRM, Structural terms


This Group contains definition and/or usage of terms that are used in connection with CBNRM knowledge management and knowledge sharing, broadly understood. This particular set of terms consists of analytical constructs that are found to be useful in connection with analysis and characterization of CBNRM processes. Some of the terms are uniquely constructed for this CBNRM context, while the majority are drawn from broad and eclectic fields of inquiry and practice (see also Group Terms, processual and Category Dictionaries). There is some overlap with Group Processual terms, and some terms are listed both places. As a rule, and where appropriate, terms are given in the singular.

A list of Sources used in preparing this list of terms is available. Cross-references may refer to structural or knowledge management terms. A Background on this Group is available. For translation of many of these terms into several languages see Category Dictionaries. See also Category Overview.

The variable 'Level' as used in the characterization of individual terms, refers to the knowledge management level and element, ranging from "Section" to "Item", see item «Level». For details on methodologies used in connection with work on CBNRM, see Category Tools.


The Group contains the following terms:

A. Environmental domain

Biome   A biome is understood as a major regional ecological community of plants and animals extending over large natural areas. Level: KM Group (Section Resources, Category Topics).
Ecosystem   A community of organisms interacting with one another, together with the environment in which they live and with which they also interact. Level: ?. Comments: The term is defined as in ecology.
Natural resource   Land and the biological resources that occur on it. Level: ?. Cross references: Terms «Property right», «Resource», «Tenure system». Comments: "Land" includes also water resources. Subsurface resources, including mineral resources, are not covered by the everyday or normal usage of the term, as applicable to local communities. Climatic resources are also not covered by the local level usage of the term. This is so because local communities as a rule do not have rights to these resources.
Resource   See: Term «Natural resource»

B. Socio-cultural domain

CBNRM practitioner   Any group, association or social organizational unit (including collectives and individuals) that is involved in natural resource management activities, through practical involvement, engagement with, and collaboration with the local people, as well as the local people themselves. Cross references: Term «CBNRM stakeholder».
CBNRM stakeholder   Any group, organization or association (including collectives and individuals) that is involved in local natural resource management activities in one way or another, including as evaluator, funder, implementor, manager, practitioner and/or researcher. Cross references: Term «CBNRM practitioner».
Collaboration   A generic term for «Co-management» and «Cooperation». Level: ?. Cross references: Term «Co-management», Term «Cooperation».
Co-management   «Collaboration» between stakeholders that are dissimilar to each other in various respects. Mostly found between stakeholders located at the local level and the sub-national/national level. That is, «Co-management» takes place between stakeholders located on different levels, along a vertical axis. Level: ?. Cross references: «Collaboration», «Cooperation».
Community-based rural development program (CBRDP)   Level: ?. Cross references: Term «Community-based rural development project».
Community-based rural development project (CBRDP)   Level: ?. Cross references: Term «Community-based rural development program».
Community of practice (COP)   A group of people involved in development from any angle of development, who share a common vision about aspects of development and who interact regularly to share ideas, information, and lessons learnt. This may or may not be akin to a team of people working face-to-face. In the context of CBNRM, what holds the members together is a common sense of purpose and a need to know what the other members know. CBNRM COPs exist on several levels, from the local where members know each other and work together, to the global level that largely is a virtual community of practice that communicate largely by email and the World Wide Web (the latter is exemplified by CBNRM Net). In other words, members make their private experiences a common knowledge, by deliberately sharing their own experiences. By doing so, they are improving the quality of their decision making and that of others, identifying new opportunities, overcoming weaknesses and averting risks, thereby improving their strategic sustainability and operational excellence. Level: ?. Comments: Also a processual term. URL: CBNRM, Processual terms.
Cooperation   «Collaboration» between stakeholders that are similar to each other in various respects. Mostly found at the local level. That is, «Cooperation» takes place between stakeholders located on the same level, along a horizontal axis. Level: ?. Cross references: Terms «Collaboration», «Co-management».
Culture   Level: ?.
Knowledge   To be understood in relation to information, which is data that are orderly arranged. Knowledge, on the other hand, is data that is believed, that is true and that is reliable. While information can easily be transferred in space and time, knowledge is very difficult to transfer, even between two persons. Level: ?. Comments: World Bank, online document (adapted). URL:
Society   Level: ?.