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Conferences, seminars and workshops


This Category contains information about workshops, conferences, seminars, and electronic roundtables or Internet forums. Both past, ongoing and planned events are included. Electronic roundtables or Internet forums that last longer then 1-2 months are considered permanent, and are covered in Group Electronic conferences. There is some overlap between knowledge in this Category and knowledge in Category Training and capacity building.


The Category consists of the following workshops, conferences, seminars and electronic roundtables or Internet forums (individual events do not necessarily always fit neatly into each of these regions):

1. General

  1. International Workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management.   Place: Washington D.C., USA. Date(s): 10-14 May 1998. Comments: This workshop and its proceedings are webhosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Category International workshop on CBNRM).
  2. International Conference on Policy and Institutional Options for the Management of Rangelands in Dry Areas.   Place: Hammamet, Tunisia. Date(s): 6-11 May 2001. Organizer(s): the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), on behalf of the System-wide Program for Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi). URL: ?. Download: Conference brochure, Conference summary paper.
  3. Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG): An Electronic Roundtable.   Date(s): 30 May - 15 July 2001. Description: An internet forum that seeks to connect practitioners from around the world as well as to facilitate the sharing of their knowledge and experience. How to join: Discussions are at: Contact: Stefan Sittig at or fax: +1 202 676 0977. Download: Announcement, Background paper.
  4. Enabling Policy Frameworks for Successful Community Based Resource Management Initiatives.   Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand. Date(s): 24 September 2001. Theme(s): (1) How have forest laws and policies enabled or impeded community-based initiatives, (2) How have forest policies and related land policies affected ethnic minorities and other marginalized groups in society? and (3) What decentralization policies have resulted in effective community-based management of natural resources? Description: The workshop represent a continuation of a dialogue on decentralization initiated by a group of forestry practitioners, gathered at a writing workshop (5 February - 2 March, 2001, Honolulu). Organizer(s): Ford Foundation, East-West Center and Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC). Contact: Ms. Leela Wuttikraibundit, Program Secretary, RECOFTC, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Email: Comment(s): This is a preconference workshop (see event 25-28 September, 2001 below). URL: Download: Announcement.
  5. Advancing Community Forestry: Innovations and Experiences.   Place: Chiang May, Thailand. Date(s): 25-28 September 2001. Description: The conference aims to share new ideas and lessons learned that capture the diversity and challenges facing community forestry development. The dynamic context in which community forestry is implemented, and where community forestry is headed. A particular focus will be given to strategies and approaches for expanding community-based forest management. Organizer(s): RECOFTC, FAO/RAP, ICRAF, IUCN and SMRP. Contact: Mr. Kubo Hideyuki. Email: URL:
  6. Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem.   Place: Reykjavik, Iceland. Date(s): 1-4 October 2001. Description: The conference aimed at discussing future needs and ways to ensure responsible fisheries in the marine ecosystem. The conference took the uncommon approach of combining scientific reviews with fishery policy considerations, in order to promote understanding of the present scientific knowledge on a subject of crucial importance for the future of sustainable fisheries. Organizer(s): FAO and Iceland, cosponsored by Norway. Contact: Grimur Valdimarsson, FAO. Email: URL: Conference web site, FAO. Comment(s): This is an interesting conference to a large extent because of the use of the term "Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management" (EBFM) as a conceptual framework (see Category Terminology). A document on EBFM can be downloaded from the CBNRM Net web site (see above). Download: Conference document on CBFM.
  7. Participatory conservation: An Internet discussion about participation issues for protected area management.   Date(s): 10 December 2001 - 23 February 2002. Theme(s): (i) Scaling up participatory conservation, (ii) Linking participatory conservation and governance reform, and (iii) Buying constituents for conservation. Description: There has been more than a decade of experimentation with participatory approaches in protected area projects. The discussion is organized to better understand what advances have been made in participatory conservation for projects management by the World Bank (in particular GEF projects). Organizer(s): The World Bank. How to join: See Announcement. Download: Announcement.
  8. Towards building a knowledge society: The role of NGOs.   Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh. Date(s): 16-18 January 2002. Theme(s): The knowledge and information revolution is radically changing not only the lives of individuals, but also the manner in which institutions operate. Organizations including companies, non-profit groups, professional organizations, schools and colleges must reconsider how they operate internally and how they relate to one another at local, national and international levels. Description: Conference objectives: (1) What is the essence of the knowledge society we are said to be entering? is it essentially a revolution in information and communications technology, and if so, can we be clear of what elements and tools it includes (from email to the Internet to distance learning) so that we can assess the educational implications? (2) How can we assess the changing shape of employment and work, and what it implies for ICT educational requirements? Do we look to a radically different labour force in education terms? (3) In building a knowledge society, what is the role of NGOs in strengthening the knowledge base in order to assist community-based development initiatives at the grassroots level? Organizer(s): Hosted by the Bangladesh Friendship Education Society. Contact: Bangladesh Friendship Education Society. Fax: +880 2 811 8561. Email: URL: Comment(s): Information about the conference is also available on the Global Knowledge Partnership website at:
  9. Environmental flows for river systems.   Place: Cape Town, South Africa. Date(s): 3-9 March 2002. Description: One of the aims of the conference is to encourage the development and implementation of methods for quantifying the social impacts of changing river flows, particularly in subsistence communities, and their incorporation into general environmental flow assessments. We hope to do this by bringing together people who are working in the field of social and ecological interactions, those who are working in the ecological arena and those involved in water resource development to discuss the common concerns about (and potential solutions to) the equitable provision of water for the environment and those directly dependent on it. Organizer(s): South African Water Research Commission, Southern Waters Ecological Research and Consulting (Pty) Ltd., the Ecohydraulics Section of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, the International Aquatic Modeling Group. Contact: Rodney February. Fax: +27 21 685 4630. Email: URL: Comment(s): Billed as "an international working conference". Incorporates the Fourth International Ecohydraulics Symposium.
  10. FMIS in changed context.   Place: Katmandu, Nepal. Date(s): 18-19 April 2002. Description: The objective of the seminar is to share ideas, experience and information on the fast changing context of Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS). Organizer(s): Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems Promotion Trust (FMIST). Contact: Dr Prachandra Pradhan. Fax: +977 1 482008. Email: Download: Announcement.
  11. The 9th biennial conference of the IASCP.   Place: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Date(s): 17-21 June 2002.Theme(s): The Commons in an age of globalization. Organizer(s): The Center for Applied Social Sciences (CASS), University of Zimbabwe. Chair: Dr Phanuel Mugabe, Director of CASS. Email: URL: Download: Call for papers.
  12. Naturschutz in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.   Place: Vilm, Lauterbach, Deutschland. Date(s): 30 Juni - 6 Juli 2002. Theme(s): Naturschutz, Biologische Vielfalt und Entwicklung - Grundlagen und Konzepte. Description: Das Seminar soll: (1) neue Erkenntnisse ueber Konzepte, Instrumente und Probleme des Naturschutzes vermitteln, (2) ueber neue Methoden in der naturschutzrelevanten Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und ueber internationale Entwicklungen informieren, (3) Multiplikatoren und Entscheidunstraeger fuer die Anliegen der Konvention ueber die biologische Vielfalt sensibilisieren, und (4) ein Forum zum Austausch von Erfahrungen bieten. Organizer(s): Internationale Natuschutzakademie Insel Vilm, Bundesamt fuer Naturschutz. Phone: +49 (0) 38301 86 113. Fax: +49 (0) 38301 86 150. Email: Download: Einladung.
  13. Responsible tourism in destinations.   Place: Johannesburg, South Africa. Date(s): 21-23 August 2002. Description: Maximising socio-economic benefits for local communities from tourism ventures while maintaining the quality of the environment is a major challenge facing all stakeholders in the tourism industry. The conference will address these issues. Contact: Margi Biggs. Fax: +27 21 3329. Email: URL: Comment(s): An official parallel event to the World Summit of Sustainable Development (Rio+10), see below. Download: Announcement.
  14. World summit on sustainable development (Rio + 10).   Place: Johannesburg, South Africa. Date(s): 2-11 September 2002. Theme(s): ?. Description: ?. Organizer(s): ?. Email: URL: Comment(s): Details to be posted as they become available. Download: ?.
  15. The 8th congress of ethnobiology.   Place: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Date(s): 16-20 September 2002. Theme(s): People and biodiversity. Description: Most of the planet's biodiversity is located in developing countries where local and indigenous communities are important as managers and users of biodiversity. This ethnobiological information is being rapidly lost. This information is an important asset for livelihoods and development of poor communities worldwide, and its loss makes it difficult for people to cope with the rapidly changing environment. The International Society for Ethnobiology (ISE) is committed to work closely with indigenous people and members of traditional societies to maintain and mange biodiversity for better livelihoods and for conserving global biological and cultural diversity. Organizer(s): ISE, together with the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization and the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research. Contact: Fassil Kebebew. Email: URL: Comment(s): ?.
  16. Association of Mountain Populations of the World (APMM), world conference.   Place: Quito, Ecuador. Date(s): 20-24 September 2002. Description: (see the Announcement below). Organizer(s): APMM. Contact: M. Jorge Leon. Fax: +593 2 582 478. Email: URL: ?. Comment(s): Organized on the occasion of the International Year of the Mountains. See below regarding the APMM, Section Africa regional preparatory workshop on 21-28 May 2002. Download: Announcement.
  17. Leadership and adaptive management in forest environments.   Place: Wageningen, the Netherlands. Date(s): 1-11 weeks in the period September-November 2002. Description: Designed for managers, co-ordinators, senior staff, policy managers, trainers and researchers involved in the policy and practice of collaborative forestry and nature management. Organizer(s): International Agricultural Centre (IAC), Wageningen, the Netherlands. Fax: +31 317 495 395. Email: URL: Comment(s): A detailed announcement of this seminar is available on CBNRM Net. Download: Announcement.
  18. Adaptive management for biodiversity conservation.   Place: Wageningen, the Netherlands. Date(s): 21-23 October 2002. Description: People from organisations involved in natural resources management will be brought together to explore new ways towards sound and equitable land use. Organizer(s): International Agricultural Centre (IAC). Contact: E Rippen. Fax: +31 317 495 395. Email: URL: Comment(s): A detailed announcement of this seminar is available on CBNRM Net. Download: Announcement.
  19. Information Technology, Communications and Development.   Place: Kathmundu, Nepal. Date(s): 1-3 December 2002. Description: Various issues in connection with the increasing use of ICTs by people in developing countries and countries in transition. Organizer(s): Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Nepal. Contact: Alfred Diebold. Phone: +977 1 522 526, /542 406. Fax: +977 1 521 101. Email: URL: Comment(s): An announcement about the conference can be downloaded from CBNRM Net. Download: Announcement.
  20. 2002 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change.   Place: Berlin, Germany. Date(s): 6-7 December 2002. Theme: Knowledge for the sustainability transition: The challenge for social science. Description: The global environmental crisis, and the role of sustainability-relevant knowledge in political decision-making. Organizer(s): The Environmental Policy and Global Change Section of the German Political Science Association, the Global Governance Project of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and the Environmental Policy Research Unit of the Free University of Berlin. Contact: Sabine Campe. Fax: +49 331 288 2640. Email: Comment(s): ?. Download: Call for Papers.
  21. Enhancing Natural Resources and Livelihoods Globally Through Community-Based Resource Management.   Place: Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. Date(s): 6-9 November 2002. Description: Gather practitioners to discuss experiences, develop more effective strategies, and strengthen global co-operation. Organizer: Coady International Institute & Extension Department, St. Francis Xavier University. Contact: Pauline MacIntosh. Fax: +1 902 867 2486. Email: URL: St. Francis Xavier University. Comment(s): ?. Download: Announcement, Coady's Learning and Innovations Institute, Registration form.
  22. VIIth International Rangeland Congress.   Place: Durban, South Africa. Date(s): 26 July - 1 August 2003. Description: The congress aims to develop new approaches to the issues facing rangelands. Social, cultural, political, economic and biological factors important to ensuring that rangelands can continue to deliver a wide range of services in a manner which is equitable and sustainable will be explored. Contact: Sue Bumpsteed Conferences. Fax: +27 31 312 9441. Email: URL: Comment(s): The Call for Papers focuses on the session 'Rangelands as systems for multiple use and livelihood support'. Contact Sheona Shackleton at Download: Call for papers.
  23. Farmer managed irrigation system and governance alternatives.   Place: Katmandu, Nepal. Date(s): 9-10 September 2004. Description: The objective of the seminar is to share and disseminate the knowledge and experience about Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) and the opportunities of governance alternatives offered by them. Organizer(s): Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems Promotion Trust (FMIST). Contact: Prachandra Pradhan, Upendra Gautam or Rajan Subedi. Fax: +977 1 482008. Emails:,, Download: Announcement.

2. Africa

  1. Rencontre sur la Gestion des Ressources Naturelles en Afrique de l'Ouest / Regional CBNRM workshop.   Place: Niamey, Niger. Date(s): 12-17 October 1998. Description: The objectives included: exchange CBNRM experiences among practitioners regarding existing strategies, identify constraints on a regional level, and engage senior policy-makers participating in the workshop in a dialogue on the importance of CBNRM issues. Organizer(s): The World Bank. Contact: Jean-Paul Chausse, Sector Manager, World Bank (Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire). Email: Comment(s): There were almost 100 participants representing the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea Conakry, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. This was the fourth in a series of workshops organized by the World Bank in the sub-region. Participants have traditionally been project staff in the several CBNRM projects in West Africa that are supported by the World Bank and other donors. Download: Liste des Participants.
  2. National Conference on Community Based Natural Resources Management in Botswana.   Place: Gaborone, Botswana. Date(s): 26-29 July 1999. URL:
  3. Actes de Koudougou.   Place: Koudougou, Burkina Faso. Date(s): 6 au 8 decembre 1999. Description: Consultation technique regional sur les experiences de la gestion des ressources naturelles: evolution et perspectives. Organizer(s): CILSS, en collaboration avec l'USAID et l'UNSO. Email: URL: Comment(s): The English title of this workshop is "Regional Technical Consultation on NRM Experiences: Evolution and Perspectives." It explored the adoption of natural resource management techniques and implementation of policy. The proceedings include background papers on the experiences of several countries in West Africa. The workshop report available on the CBNRM Net website is a draft version of the final workshop report. Download: Rapport de synthese.
  4. First National CBNRM Forum.   Place: Gaborone, Botswana. Date(s): 30-31 May 2000. URL:
  5. Public Interest Law and Community-based Property Rights Workshop.   Place: Arusha, Tanzania. Date(s): 1-4 August 2000. Description: The purpose was to bring together a growing pool of African legal-expertise on community-based property rights. Organizer(s): Sponsored by Lawyers Environmental Action Team of Tanzania and the Center for International Environmental Law USA. Comment(s): Excerpts of six papers presented at the workshop are included in: The Common Property Resource Digest no. 57 (June 2001), see Category Literature, periodicals.
  6. Elevage et gestion de parcours au Sahel, implications pour le développement.   Place: Niamey, Niger. Date(s): 2 au 6 Octobre 2000. Theme: Un atelier régional ouest-africain sur le thème "La gestion des pâturages et les projets de développement: quelles perspectives?" Comments: Les documents de l'atelier sont disponible en ligne intégral. The complete output of this workshop, in French and in English, is hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Category Elevage et gestion de parcours au Sahel, implications pour le développement). The proceedings from the workshop is published as: Tielkes, Eric, E. Schlecht and P. Hiernaux, eds., 2001 (see Category Literature).
  7. Atelier. Développement local et gestion décentralisée des ressources naturelles.   Place: Cotonou, Bénin. Date(s): 10-16 Décembre 2000. Organizer(s): Le Fonds d'équipement des Nations Unies (Le FENU) (United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF). URL: Comment(s): No output available in English. Download: Rapport General.
  8. 5th International Wildlife Ranching Symposium.   Place: Pretoria, South Africa. Date(s): 19-23 March 2001. Theme(s): Sustainable utilization, Conservation in practice. URL:
  9. L'Atelier de regionalisation de L'IASCP en Afrique de L'Ouest francophone.   Place: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Date(s): 24-25 September 2001. Organizer(s): International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP). Contact: Boubacar Ba, Coordination de L'IASCP Afrique de L'Ouest. Email: Comment(s): Also listed in Section Webhosting. For further documents from this network that covers francophone West-Africa, see Category Documents. Download: Summary report, Participants, Synthesis Report (English), Synthesis Report (French), Equipe preparatoire IASCP Afrique de L'Ouest.
  10. Land Reform and Conflict Management in Southern Africa.   Place: Washington D.C. Date(s): 22 October 2001. Description: Eight speakers will present a rich set of contextual and empirical papers that draws upon a unique body of long-term collaborative research in Zimbabwe. Organizer(s): Economic and Social Institute, Free University Amsterdam and United States Institute of Peace. Contact: Bill Kinsey. Email: Phone: +31 20 444 6144. Fax: +31 20 444 6004. URL: Download: Announcement.
  11. Second National CBNRM Conference.   Place: Gaborone, Botswana. Date(s): 14-16 November 2001. URL: Comment: The Proceedings from the conference are listed in CBNRM Net Newsletter no. 23 (December 2003).
  12. Atelier de Formation sur la Gestion de l’Environnement Urbain en Afrique Sub-Saharienne.   Place: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Date(s): 3-6 Decembre 2001. Theme(s): Plan Local d’Action 21 - Evaluation et Information Environnemental. Organizer(s): Le MELISSA Program, Bureau du Pays de la banque mondiale et l'Association de Ingénieurs des Villes d'Afrique du Centre et de l'Ouest (AIVACO). Comment(s): The Melissa Program is closed. The relevant documentation can be downloaded on the CBNRM Net website. Download: Présentation (PDF), Program détaillé (PDF), Formulaire de candidature (PDF), Questionnaire sur Agenda Local 21 (AL21) (PDF), Profil Environmental Urbain (PDF).
  13. Making Land Rights More Secure.   Place: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Date(s): 19-21 March 2002. Description: To bring together researchers and policy-makers dealing with land tenure in West Africa in order that they can report and discuss the main findings of recent work undertaken on these issues, as well as to share experiences. Organizer(s): West African LandNet, GRAF, GRET and IIED. Contact: DID International, Ouagadoudou, Burkina Faso. Fax: +226 340 355, /383 133. Email: Comment(s): The papers are being edited for publication, see a future CBNRM Net Newsletter for details.Download: Invitation, Presentation, Draft Agenda, Conclusions.
  14. Wildlife management courses.   Place: South Africa. Date(s): May 2002 - January 2003. Description: A mobile classroom that travels to nature reserves in Southern Africa, teaching wildlife management for a practical point of view. Organizer(s): Ecolife Expeditions. Fax: +27 12 460 9797. Email: URL: Comment(s): The document available on CBNRM Net contains detailed descriptions of all courses. Download: Course descriptions.
  15. Course program on environmental management.   Place: Hoedspruit, South Africa. Date(s): May - September 2002. Description: The courses cover a range of topics, including protected area management, facilitation, communication, conflict management, research management, GIS applications, fire management, community-based tourism and wildlife valuation tools. Organizer(s): Southern African Wildlife College. Contact: Marie-Tinka Uys. Fax: +27 15 793 7312. Email: Comment(s): The complete course program can be downloaded from CBNRM Net. Download: 2002 course program.
  16. Association of Mountain Populations of the World (APMM), Section Africa, regional workshop.   Place: Fianarantsoa, Madagascar. Date(s): 21-28 May 2002. Description: (see the Announcement below). Organizer(s): APMM, Section Africa. Contact: Hanta Rabetaliana. Fax: +261 20 75 51467. Email: Comment(s): Organized on the occasion of the International Year of the Mountains. See above regarding the APMM world conference, that this regional workshop will lead up to, on 20-24 September 2002. Download: Announcement, Circular 1.
  17. Fourth National CBNRM Forum.   Place: Gaborone, Botswana. Date: 12 June 2003. URL: Comment: The Proceedings from the forum are listed in CBNRM Net Newsletter no. 23 (December 2003).
  18. 3rd international Conference and Exhibition on Integrated Environmental Management in Southern Africa.   Place: Johannesburg, South Africa. Date(s): 27-30 August 2002. Organizer(s): The Sasol Centre for Innovative Environmental Management, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, The Gerhard-Mercator University, Duisberg, Germany and the South African Institute of Chemical Engineers, South Africa. Contact: P Marjanovic. Fax: +27 11 403 8851. Email: URL: Comment(s): The documents are also available on the CBNRM Net website. Download: Announcement, Pregistration form (PDF), Instructions for authors, Abstract submission form (PDF).
  19. Foncier rural développement durable au Sahel et en Afrique de l'Ouest / Rural land tenure and sustainable development in the Sahel and West Africa (PRAIA+9).   Place: Nouakchott, Mauritania. Date(s): 20-24 October 2003. Theme(s): ?. Description: ?. Organizer(s): Comité Permanent Inter Etats de Lutte Contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel / Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS). Fax: +226 37 41 32. URL: Comment(s): CILSS covers Burkina Faso, Cap Verde, Chad, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal. The conference presentation is available in English and French. Download: Premier draft de note d'orientation | Document (French) | Document (English).
  20. Breaking New Ground. New approaches to CBNRM for development in Southern Africa.   Place: University of Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa. Date(s): 24-25 November 2003. Description: Discussion of the status of the CBNRM sector in the region, and making recommendations on how phase 2 of the CASS/PLAAS CBNRM Programme can contribute to revitalizing the sector. Organizer(s): CASS (Univ. of Zimbabwe) and PLAAS (Univ. of Western Cape). Contact: Webster Whande. Fax: + 27 21 959 3732. Email: URL: Comment(s): ?. Download: Announcement.

3. East Asia and the Pacific

  1. Second Workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Asia.   Place: Guiyang, China. Date(s): 16-20 October 2000. Theme(s): Strengthening the foundation for CBNRM in Asia. Organizer(s): IDRC in collaboration with the Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS). URL: Comment(s): The URL is to the online "NRM ResearchLinks", no. 3 (February 2001), which carries a report on the workshop. See Group Periodicals for a presentation of this publication. This workshop led to the Isang Bagsak pilot program in Participatory Development Communication, which is featured on this page (see below).
  2. SANREM CRSP Southeast Asia, 2001 Annual Conference.   Place: Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines. Date(s): 28-30 May 2001. Theme(s): Sustaining upland development in Southeast Asia: Issues, tools and institutions for local natural resource management. Description: Achieving economic growth without excessive environmental degradation remains a major challenge for upland communities in Southeast Asia. In many areas, growth is accompanied by excessive deforestation, soil quality depletion and degraded watershed function, even when upland population pressure is alleviated through employment growth in non-agricultural sectors. Innovative research and policy approaches to these problems are beginning to emerge, especially those based on the watershed and the upland community as the units of analysis. The emphasis on the watershed and community level reflects the increasing tendency for regional governments to devolve aspects of growth and environmental policy to local jurisdictions. URL: Comment(s): For information about the project see Category Activities.
  3. Isang Bagsak.   Date(s): September 2001 - October 2002. Theme(s): A Learning and Networking Program in Participatory Development Communication. Description: At the 2nd International Workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (Giyang, China, 16-20 October 2000), participatory communication was identified as one important cross-cutting dimension of CBNRM research, as well as a pressing issue for capacity-building. The present pilot program is a response to this, based in research teams in Cambodia, Vietnam and Uganda. There is a focus on research and the role of researchers, as witnessed by the objectives of the Program. Organizer(s): IDRC. Contact: Saik Yoon Chin. Email: URL: Comment(s): The Giyang workshop is featured on this page (see above).
  4. Seventh Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas.   Place: Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Date(s): 8-12 July 2002. Theme(s): Mainstreaming nature conservation. Description: The focus will be on exchanging views, experiences and ideas on how to make nature conservation an essential part of achieving sustainable development in the Pacific region. Organizer(s): South Pacific Regional Environment Programme and the Cook Islands Environment Service and Ministry of Culture. Contact: Kate Brown. Phone: +685 21929. Fax: +685 20231. Email: URL: Download: Announcement.
  5. III MMSEA Conference.   Place: Yunnan, China. Date(s): 25-28 August 2002. Theme(s): Indigenous knowledge, sustainable livelihoods and creative means of resources governance. Organizer(s): Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge (CBIK), Kunming, China. Contact (conference and registration): Wang Yu. Email: Contact (topics and contents): Xu Jianchu. Email: URL: Download: Announcement. Comment(s): A brief announcement can be downloaded from the CBNRM Net web site.
  6. Regional workshop on CBNRM in the mountains.   Place: Lobeysa, Bhutan. Date(s): 22-25 April 2003. Description: Focusing on the central Hindu Kush, it aimed to draw the attention of national governments in the region to issues of sustainable management of common resources. It provided an opportunity to discuss issues from the standpoint of increasing local participation based on strengthening local resource-use rights and community-based NRM regimes, especially as related to management common property natural resources. In order to broaden the sharing experience, selected CBNRM experts and experiences practitioners were invited from other mountain regions in Asia, including the Mekong highlands. Organizer(s): Royal Government of Bhutan (Dept. of Research and Development Services, Min. of Agriculture), in cooperation with ICIMOD, IDRC, SDC, SNV and GTZ. Contact: Sangay Duba and Ganesh B. Chettri. Emails:, Comment(s): ?. Download: Introduction, Programme.
  7. Politics of the Commons.   Place: Chiang May, Thailand. Date(s): 11-14 July 2003. Theme(s): Articulating development and strengthening local practices. Description: The focus is on the intersection between NRM of commons and political changes with a special emphasis on how development is articulated and the consequences of these interactions for local practices. Organizer(s): The Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang May University. Contact: RCSD Conference Secretariat. Fax: + 66 53 943 596. Email: Comment(s): ?. Download: First Announcement.

4. Europa, Central Asia and the Middle East

5. Latin America and the Caribbean

  1. Human system connectivity: a need for MPA management effectiveness.   Place: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Date(s): 12-17 November 2001. Description: At the 54th Annual Meting of the Caribbean Fisheries Institute, a special symposium on "Caribbean marine protected areas: practical approaches to achieve economic and conservation goals", and the "human system connectivity" workshop was organized in connection with this symposium. Organizer(s): Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Contact: Patrick McConney. Email: Comment(s): See the programme "Coastal and Marine Management Program (CaMMP), that covers the Caribbean region, in Category Activities, and story in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 16, January 2002 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters. Download: Workshop report.

6. South Asia

  1. E-conference: "Integrating mountain culture and natural resource management (MCNRM)".   Date(s): 17 August - 14 September 2001. Description: The impact of traditional development strategies contributes to the erosion of cultural practices and social capital in mountain areas. That 2002 has been declared as the International Year of the Mountains and the International Year of Ecotourism is not a coincidence. While tourism has contributed to the transformation and economic development of some mountain regions, there is increasing concern about the need to address the accompanying negative impact on the cultural and social fabric of mountain people. The year 2002 provides a unique opportunity to do so, and the broad goal of this initiative will be to highlight the urgency of putting into place appropriate policies and practices which can ensure that the gains of mountain development does not take place at an irreversible cost to the rich and diverse culture of mountain cultures and communities. Organizer(s): ICIMOD. Email: URL: . Download: Presentation.
  2. South Asia Sustainable Livelihoods (SASL) Policy Forum.   Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh. Date(s): 22-24 March 2002. Description: An informal network of individuals from South Asia countries who come together periodically to discuss issues related to policy making in relation so sustainable livelihoods and natural resource management. Organizer(s): Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO), Bangladesh Centre for Advances Studies (BCAS). Contact: Saleemul Huq. Email: Download: Presentation of SASL, 3rd meeting announcement.

7. Other regions