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Acronyms and abbreviations, Sources


This Page contains sources used in connection with preparing the list of acronyms and abbreviations. Most of the sources are listed in Category Literature, and many are available for downloading in Category Documents.

A Background on this Group is available. For translation of many of these terms into several languages see Category Dictionaries.


Africa Environment Outlook
Past, present and future perspectives. Acronyms and abbreviations. URL:
CBNRM Practitioners Directory
Produced by the project "Sharing and Promotion of Awareness and Regional Knowledge" (SPARK), which was im implemented in the period 2000-2004 in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, by Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO). Institutional collaboration in the three countries were: Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC) in the Philippines, The Indonesian Tropical Institute (LATIN) in Indonesia, and Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF) in Thailand. Comments: SPARK's website, that is, the 'CBNRM Practitioners Directory' was really valuable, and represented a novel approach. Unfortunately, on only the home page appears to be availalbe. CBNRM Net is trying to find out what happened to SPARK and the website.
L'avenir de l'environnement en Afrique
Le passé, le présent et les perspectives d'avenir. Acronymes et abreviations. URL: