The Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network

Home > Section Resources > Category Topics > Group Issues > Item NGOs


Overview statement

These web pages focus on:

  1. NGOs and their role in CBNRM has to be understood and assessed as links between: (1) the local and the regional, (2) the traditional and the modern, (3) between culture and economics, and (4) the collective/group and the individual.
  2. The traditional social organization, including, for example, the family, is at the bottom and is the point of departure for NGOs.
  3. Who do NGOs represent? Where are their allegiance? Do they (re)present the local to the macro-level, or is it vice versa?
  4. Can NGOs, in working upwards, be advocating groups, e.g. cooperatives, that are not sustainable, because they are not representing and cooperating closely enough with the local level?

Cross references

  1. Item ?

Context statement




To locate and/or access the knowledge resources included below, go to Section Resources and look at, in particular, Categories Regions, Countries, Conferences, seminars and workshops, Training and capacity building, Internet, Literature, and/or Topics.

  1. The Benton Foundation.   URL: Comments: Resources for software, particularly relevant for NGOs.
  2. IDRC.   URL:
  3. (including literature) - Link to literature page
  4. Francisco, Josefa. Social relations in CBNRM: Taking stock of gender and class differentials in community research.
  5. Schultz, Karen Ingrid. 2000. Entreprenør dilemmaer i NGO samarbejde. Jordens Folk, nr. 4 (desember 2000), p. 14-23.

Web team

