The Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network

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This Category gives advice on how to use the web site (see also Category FAQ).

Licensing the CBNRM Net web site and its content

Creative Commons License

The CBNRM Net Web site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit:, or send a letter to: Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. The three key license terms are:

The licensor CBNRM Networking, on behalf of CBNRM Net, permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the CBNRM Net web site ("the work"). In return, licensees must give the original author credit.
The licensor CBNRM Networking, on behalf of CBNRM Net, permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. In return, licensees may not use the work for commercial purposes unless they get the licensor's permission.
Share Alike
The licensor CBNRM Networking, on behalf of CBNRM Net, permits others to distribute derivate works only under a license identical to the one that governs the licensor's work.

Specific information on licensing is available in Categories CBNRM Net Newsletters and CBNRM Net Papers.

Technical issues

Technical issues, specifically hardware and software connected with viewing this web site, are covered here.

What is this web site running?

Microsoft Office Suit

If you do not have Microsoft Office, or have an incompatible version of Microsoft Office installed, you can still view the documents contained within this site by obtaining the freely downloadable viewers and converters provided by Microsoft.


This web site follows the HTML 4.01 transitional standard.


It is a goal that this web site appear without viewing problems across a variety of commonly used browsers and versions. It is, however, optimized for IE 5.x and Opera 5. Netscape, especially the earlier versions, are not compatible with the whole HTML 4 standard. As a result, some versions of Netscape do not support some HTML Tags, or the combination of some Tags and some Classes, that are used on this web site. Efforts are underway to address this.

Knowledge management structure

The knowledge on the web site is organized in a number Knowledge Management Elements (Elements) that are hierarchically organized, and subsumed under each other. Starting with the most general and broad level, they are: (1) Knowledge Management Section (Section), (2) Knowledge Management Category (Category), (3) Knowledge Management Group (Group), (4) Knowledge Management Item (Item), and (5) Knowledge Management Page (Page). The latter Element is in several cases reserved for knowledge that is not clearly part of the knowledge management structure.

Web site architecture

There are 5 Sections: (1) Resources, (2) Webhosting, (3) Members, (4) Support, and (5) About. Each Section is composed of a number of Categories, that are divided into Groups and/or Items (and sometimes Pages).

Guidance on file names syntax

HTML, name syntax: (1) As a rule identical with the relevant knowledge management element [i.e., Sector, Category, Group, Item, Page], (2) First-letter capitalization.

PDF, name syntax: (1) No capitalization, (2) Consists of two or more parts separated by underscore; part 1 - author [person last name or organisation abbreviation], part 2 - author first name initial(s) [if author is a person], part 3 - 3-digit running classification number, part 4 - key term(s), and part 5 - abbreviation for language [e.g. ef=English, fr=French, sp=Spanish]. A name will include some or all of the parts. In cases where several files belong in a series, the syntax is slightly different (e.g. part 4 will include a 3-digit running classification number).

Navigating the web site

The way in which the web site's navigation is organized reflects the structured layering of knowledge, that is, the CBNRM knowledge management structure that were devised for the web site (see Knowledge management and knowledge sharing).

Navigation of the web site is made possible in three different ways:

  1. The page headers: Page headers (identical for all pages)
  2. The text part of each page: "breadcrumb navigation", that make it possible, from anyone page on the web site, to move up all the way to the home page
  3. Navigation bars, located in the page footer (partly identical for all pages, and partly unique to each page). See below for more details

The navigation bars in the page footers are organized in a tiered structure. The top navigation bar is general, and is identical for all pages. The content of the other navigation bars is context specific. In other words, how many navigation bars are available on a particular page, and their content, depend on the location of this page in the overall knowledge management structure. On the navigation bars, higher level links are located to the left. That is, links to Sections will be followed by Categories, Groups and items. Moving to the right may also imply a logical progression, for example, in a series of linked pages

Navigation bars are located at the bottom of all pages. They are:

  1. Section - Global navigation bar.   This is the general navigation bar. It contains links to the home page, site map, page index, FAQ, search and help pages (see the first navigation bar at the bottom of this page). It is available on all pages
  2. Category - Semi-global navigation bars.   This is a context specific navigation bar. Depending upon where in the knowledge management structure one is, there may be one or two such bars. The first one contains links to all web site sections (see the second bar a the bottom of this page), and is available on all pages. The second bar contains links to, among others, to Categories and other sub-sections within a particular Section, and is available on many pages
  3. Group/Item - Local navigation bar.   This is a context specific navigation bar. Depending upon where in the knowledge management structure one is, there may be one, two, or more such bars. The first bar contains links to the Groups within a particular Category. The second bar contains links to the Items within a particular Group. These bars are available on many pages

Searching for CBNRM knowledge

To search CBNRM Net, or to search for CBNRM knowledge on the Internet click here.

Preparing CBNRM knowledge for posting on CBNRM Net

Detailed guidance on how to prepare CBNRM knowledge for posting on CBNRM Net is available (see Category Guidance).

Downloading files

As a rule, and if nothing else is stated, files available for downloading are PDF (Portable Document Format) files. PDF files can be viewed with either the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or a web browser with the free PDF Viewer plug-in. Both are available for free from Adobe. To download and install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here.

Visit Access Adobe for help on making PDF files accessible to screen reading utilities. These tools convert Adobe PDF documents into HTML or ASCII text which can then be read by a number of common screen reading programs that synthesize text as audible speech.

PDF files are uploaded with the following security method: 'Acrobat Standard Security'. The following encryption level is used: 40-bit RC4 (Acrobat 3.x, 4.x).


The official language of CBNRM Net is English. The reason for this - and it is not a good one - is simply lack of resources. Parts of the web site will gradually become available in French, as well as other languages.

To those among you that prefer to read CBNRM Net in another language, there are some helpful translation resources available on the Internet. It does not take a lot of time to use them, and the service is free. A good translation service is Babel Fish, available from AltaVista. Babel Fish provides instant translations of all CBNRM Net material into French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Read the detailed FAQ to learn how to optimize the translation results.


CBNRM contains a number of terms and concepts. CBNRM is an evolving field, and moreover a field at the crossroads of other intellectual, scientific and practical approaches to managing local natural resources in developing and transition economies. It follows that the terminology to a large extent is borrowed, and is itself emerging. Category Terminology aims to present this evolving terminology. This Category includes structural terms developed for the purpose of managing CBNRM knowledge on the CBNRM Net, as well as processual terms. Also included are a list or abbreviations and acronyms and a dictionary.

Citation format

Citation of material from CBNRM Net and all pages and documents therein is encouraged, provided detailed and correct information about the source is given. Suggested citation formats:

  1. Web site page:   CBNRM Net. Page title: [name]. URL:[complete path].
  2. CBNRM Net Newsletter:   CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. [number], [month] [year]. ISSN 1503-6251. URL:
  3. CBNRM Net Paper: [Author(s)]. [year]. [title]. CBNRM Net Papers, no. [number], [month] [year]. ISSN 0809-7119. ISBN: [number]. URL:
  4. Downloaded pdf document:   [citation of the document]. Downloaded from CBNRM Net, URL:

Web site use statistics

The counter available on the home page tracks visits to that page. A "visit" is defined as a series of page views by one visitor with no more than 30 minutes in between page views. For direct visits to other CBNRM Net pages see the use statistics below.

The web site use statistics are available in Category Use statistics, per month. Abbreviated use statistics are also included in the CBNRM Net Newsletters (see Category Newsletters). The data in the Newsletter covers Visitors and Page views for selected countries.

Data on the following variables are available:

  1. Visitor:   The number of individual visitors (as tracked by cookies) and IP-based visitors that cannot be tracked (that is, they cannot be tracked by cookies)
  2. Page view:   The total number of pages viewed by the visitors
  3. Hit:   A request to the web server for any type of file. As one particular page can account for several hits, this measure is best understood as an indication of server use and loading
  4. Byte:   A unit of information transferred to visitors, for online viewing, storage on a hard drive or memory, and/or printing (on CBNRM Net measured in megabytes, that is, one million bytes)