The Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network

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This Category contains information about membership in CBNRM Net, including eligibility, levels of membership, the rights and obligations that comes with the levels of membership, and how to apply for membership.

The guidelines for membership, including specifically the rights and obligations, follow from the fact of what CBNRM Net is: namely a flat and distributed network of like-minded people working on CBNRM in various capacities. If you are interested in participating in CBNRM Net and learning from the experiences of the many members, this means that you also have something to contribute, namely your own knowledge and experience. Thus, members are encouraged - indeed expected - to contribute CBNRM-related information to the Newsletter and the website. A member that does not submit knowledge and information is not contributing to the development of the global CBNRM community of practice and to the CBNRM Net network and its online knowledge database. In effect, this member is benefiting from the knowledge available in the CBNRM Net network and its member in the global CBNRM community of practice without giving anything back.

In paragraph "Levels of membership" below, reference is made to CBNRM information and knowledge. This knowledge typically takes the form of documents, papers and reports that are made available on the website, as well as information on relevant ongoing or planned activities (incl. projects, research, publications, conferences, workshops, training and capacity building), that are made avaiable on the website and in the Newsletter.



Membership is open to development practitioners, researchers, policy makers/managers and others that are interested in CBNRM - as well as related approaches - and their importance for sustainable management of natural resources, and that support them in their own work. Individuals as well as organizations, institutions and NGOs can become members.

General rights and obligations

The following general rights and obligations apply to all levels of membership (for specific rights and obligations see under paragraph "Levels of membership" below):

Rights   (1) free membership, (2) join the CBNRM Net mailing list, and (3) receive the CBNRM Net Newsletter.
Obligations   (1) support CBNRM Net actively, (2) promote CBNRM Net actively, and (3) inform in a timely way of changes in email address and other contact information.

Levels of membership

There are four levels of membership: (1) Subscribing Member, (2) Regular Member, (3) Contributing Member and (4) Managing Member. For each level of membership the following specific rights and obligations apply (in addition to the general rights and obligations listed above):

Subscribing Member   Rights: no specific rights apply.   Obligations: no specific obligations apply.
Registration procedure: register on the CBNRM Net mailing list via the on-line sign-up form available on this page.
Regular Member   Rights: (1) be listed in the Newsletter in section 'New members', (2) be listed in the Register of Members, incl. in the regional/national versions, (3) access to the website's Section Members, (4) submit knowledge and information to the website and the Newsletter, (5) receive mail that is posted on the CBNRM Net mailing list, and (6) receive general support in matters relating to CBNRM.   Obligations: (1) submit relevant CBNRM knowledge and information at least two times per year.
Application procedure: download the Membership Application Form to your computer, fill it in (answer ALL questions), and return it attached to an email addressed to CBNRM Net (for email address to be used see Category Contact information). Following acceptance of membership, further information will be provided, including how to register on the CBNRM Net mailing list.
Contributing Member   Rights: (1) the specific rights accruing to Regular Members, and (2) be listed on relevant website pages for purposes of networking.   Obligations: (1) the specific obligations accruing to Regular Members, and (2) submit relevant CBNRM knowledge at least 4 times per year.
Comments: A Regular Member is promoted to Contributing Member based on the level of activity for, on behalf of, or with, CBNRM Net, typically in terms of contributing knowledge and information to the Newsletter and the website, and in doing good public relations for CBNRM Net.
Managing Member   Rights: (1) the specific rights accruing to Contributing Members, and (2) be actively involved in managing CBNRM Net, including in determing its focus and direction of work.   Obligations: (1) the specific obligations accruing to Regular Members, and (2) submit relevant CBNRM knowledge at least 6 times per year.
Comments: A Contributing Member is promoted to Managing Member based on the level of activity for, on behalf of, or with, CBNRM Net, typically in terms of contributing knowledge and information to the Newsletter and the website, and in doing good public relations for CBNRM Net.

Purpose and use of information contained in the Membership Application Forms

Select membership data on position, institutional affiliation, and city and country of residence, as taken from the Membership Application Form, are available in Category Register of Members. Aggregate membership data, including geographical location and thematic foci, are available on the website, and may also be included in the Newsletter. Contact information, including email address, will only be made available upon the written consent of each Member.

Membership information serves two purposes: (1) it provides an overview of the membership (Regular and Contributing Members) that makes it possible to utilize the full networking potential and services of CBNRM Net (see Section Members and also Category Register of Members), and (2) it contributes to prioritizing and targeting CBNRM knowledge and knowledge management in order to provide the kind of CBNRM services on the website and in the Newsletter that members need in their work.