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Terminology, Sources


This Page contains sources used in connection with preparing the list of knowledge management terms, structural terms and processual terms. Most of the sources are listed in Category Literature, and many are available for downloading in Category Documents.

A Background on this Group is available. For translation of many of these terms into several languages see Category Dictionaries.



Africa Environment Outlook. Acronyms and abbreviations. URL:
Bell, Richard. 1999. "CBNRM and other acronyms: An overview and challenges in the Southern African region." Paper presented at the CASS/PLAAS inaugural meeting on 'Community Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa: A regional programme of analysis and communication', Kadoma, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1999.
Buckley, Ralf. 2003. Environmental inputs and outputs in ecotourism: Geotourism with a positive triple bottom line? Journal of Ecotourism, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 76-82. URL.
Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL). (2002). "Community-based property rights: A concept note." For the World Summit on Sustainable Development, 26 August - 4 September 2002. Comments: ?. URL: ?.
Glossary of acronyms used in the SADC Natural Resource Management Programme. URL:
IASCP. 2001. IASCP Newsletter no. 57, June 2001. Comments: Contains papers presented at a conference in Arusha, Tanzania, August 2000. URL: CBNRM Net Group Periodicals list.
National Geographic Traveler Magazine. 2003. Comments: Prepared by Jonathan B. Tourtellot. URL: ?.
Uphoff, Norman. 1988. "Community-based natural resource management: Connecting micro and macro processes and people with their environments." Presented at the International CBNRM Workshop, Washington, DC, USA, May 1988. Comments: The workshop and all its output (including this paper) is available on CBNRM Net (see link). URL: International CBNRM workshop.

Structural terms

Processual terms

Borrini-Feyerabend, G., M.T. Farvar, J.C. Nguinguiri, and V.A. Ndangang. 2000. Co-management of natural resources: Organising, negotiating and learning-by-doing. GTZ and IUCN, Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg (Germany).
CBNRM Net. 2001. "Community-based natural resource management: Knowledge management and knowledge sharing in the age of globalization." By Lars T. Soeftestad. CBNRM Net Papers, no. 1, August 2001.
Center for International Forestry Research. 1999. URL: INRM Homepage.
Gambill, David. 1999. "Intentionally sustainable. How community-based natural resource management enables and encourages the sustainable use of resources." Gender Working Paper, 99/1. Washington D.C., United States: DevTech Systems, Inc. URL:
IASCP, Newsletter no. 57, June 2001.
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction. 1998. Participatory methods in community-based coastal resource management (3 vols), vol. 1, p. 15-16. Silang, Cavite, Philippines: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
Johannes, Bob. 2002. "The renaissance of community-based marine resource management in Oceania." Annual Review of Ecological Systematics, 33:317-40.
Rihoy, Elizabeth, Brian Jones, Simon Anstey and Mike 'tsas Rolfes, eds. n.d. "A stakeholder guide to community based natural resource management and natural resource tenure in Southern Africa." URL:
SADC. URL: The SADC Region's Natural Resource Management Programme.
SD Gateway. n.d. Comments: The source is 'Sustainable Development Online'. Focus on sustainable development. URL:
Soeftestad, Lars T. 1999. "The International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Workshop report." Washington D.C., United States, World Bank. Comments: This is the World Bank report on this first international CBNRM workshop, which took place at the World Bank in Washington DC, USA).
State of Queensland. 1999. URL:
USAID/Africa Bureau. February 1999. Whose woods these are: Community-based forestry management in Africa. By John Heermans and Jonathon Otto. URL:
World Bank. n.d. URL: World Bank.

Community-based coastal resource management (CBCRM)

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction. 1998. Participatory methods in community-based coastal resource management (3 vols): vol. 1, p. 13-16. Silang, Cavite, Philippines: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.

Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM)

CBNRM Net. 2001. "Community-based natural resource management: Knowledge management and knowledge sharing in the age of globalization." By Lars T. Soeftestad. CBNRM Net Papers, no. 1, August 2001.
Fabricius, Christo. n.d. "Community-based natural resource management," in Management of Agricultural, Forestry, Fisheries Enterprises, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK. Comments: Accessible only to subscribers. URL:
Soeftestad, Lars T. 1999. "The International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Workshop report." Washington D.C., United States, World Bank. Comments: This is the World Bank report on this first international CBNRM workshop, which took place at the World Bank in Washington DC, USA).
Uphoff, Norman. 1988. "Community-based natural resource management: Connecting micro and macro processes and people with their environments." Presented at the International CBNRM Workshop, Washington, DC, USA, May 1988. Comments: The workshop and all its output (including this paper) is available on CBNRM Net (see link). URL: International CBNRM workshop.
USAID. 2000. Developing an HIV/AIDS -- Community based natural resource management brief and tool kit. Comments: This document is a tender. The contract was awarded to Development Alternatives Inc. Also the two products are available on the CBNRM Net web site.