The Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network

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A number of strategic decisions have to be made in connection with the initial implementation of the web site and CBNRM Net.

Pilot phase

The implementation takes place through a pilot phase that will last from March through December 2001. The pilot phase will be implemented by means of: (1) a set of Tasks, (2) clear Priorities, (3) specific Resource constraints, (4) a flexible Timetable, and (5) early Knowledge management activities.

Evaluation of the pilot phase

Following the pilot phase, an evaluation of CBNRM Net's activities and results will take place. You, the CBNRM practitioners and CBNRM Net users, will be invited to prepare the Terms of Reference and select those that will be responsible for the evaluation. This will be discussed in a future CBNRM Net Newsletter.


A number of tasks will be performed during the pilot phase. Some of the more important ones are:

  1. Prepare and implement a public relations campaign
  2. Identify Items and Pages, in collaboration with interested CBNRM stakeholders and practitioners, and collaborate with them on the content of these Items and Pages
  3. Once a particular Item or Page is prepared, identify and work with CBNRM practitioners that are interested in sharing the responsibilities for maintaining and updating it
  4. Organize specific CBNRM Net knowledge, including case studies and literature, into searchable databases
  5. Publish the CBNRM Net Newsletter


The following two priorities have been made:

Geographical focus

In the pilot phase the focus will, to a large extent, be on Sub-Saharan Africa. This has to do partly with the fact that a large and increasing number of CBNRM activities are going on in this region, partly with a needs assessment, and partly with the necessity of identifying a manageable area to cover during the pilot phase.

Breadth versus depth

In the pilot phase, the focus will be on showing the potential of this networked approach to CBNRM knowledge management and knowledge sharing, involving use and production of CBNRM knowledge. Towards this, the emphasis will be on breadth of coverage, especially in Section Resources. As a consequence, some among you may find that the depth and detail are lagging somewhat behind. With time and increased user involvement this imbalance will be rectified.

Resource constraints

Setting up and maintaining a large, interactive website of this nature requires resources. The Norwegian non-profit CBNRM Networking is functioning in a coordinating role, with overall responsibility for preparing, launching and maintaining CBNRM Net, including financial obligations, before as well as during the pilot phase. It would be important to begin discussing fairly soon how to secure resources to manage and develop CBNRM Net beyond the pilot phase.

The suggestion to create Distributed Web Teams with responsibility for content provision and management is a means to realize the goals of user involvement and user management. At the same time it will reduce the costs.

The website is currently available only in English. It would be crucial if key parts, including Category Overview (these HTML pages) would become available also in French and Spanish. If possible, these key parts should be translated also into Portuguese and Russian.


The timetable for key activities to take place during, and immediately following, the pilot phase is as follows:

  1. Information and public relations campaign  (March-June 2001)
  2. Populate and revise the website according to plans and user feedback, as well as contributed and solicited knowledge  (May-December 2001)
  3. Publish the CBNRM Net Newsletter (Summer 2001 - onwards)
  4. Organize the evaluation of the pilot phase  (December 2001)
  5. Evaluation of CBNRM Net. Distribute the evaluation report on CBNRM Net and in a CBNRM Net Newsletter  (January 2002)

Knowledge management activities

Work on identifying specific knowledge Items and Pages in collaboration with selected CBNRM stakeholders is ongoing. This applies specifically to Sections Resources and Members. Information about new Items and Pages and other CBNRM knowledge are posted regularly (see Page News).

If you are interested in contributing CBNRM knowledge, or would like to prepare a specific Item or Page, detailed guidance is available (see Category Guidance). To discuss this, write to us.