The Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network

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This Category presents ourselves - the global CBNRM community of practice - that is, CBNRM practitioners, policy managers and other CBNRM stakeholders that use and produce CBNRM knowledge. More specifically, the individuals and organizations that are involved in CBNRM Net, as members, supporters, or in a management function, are presented. CBNRM Net is the result of the work, priorities and efforts of this international group of CBNRM practitioners, policymakers, managers, and researchers.

As discussed elsewhere (see Background), the web site builds upon - and is partly a continuation of - earlier activities. These include, in particular, the Common Property Resource Management Network (CPRNet), the international CBNRM workshop (Washington D.C., USA, 10-14 May 1998), and the regional CBNRM workshop for West Africa (Niamey, Niger, 12-17 October 1998). The members of CPRNet and the participants in these workshops are clearly the first beneficiaries and users of CBNRM Net.

As CBNRM Net is developing, and the membership is increasing, it will be possible to present in more detail who we actually are, where we live, what we do, what we think about what we do, and how we plan to achieve it.


The Category consists of the following Groups:

  1. CBNRM community of practice - Overviews and aggregate analyses of the global CBNRM community of practice
  2. Supporters - Individuals and organizations that are supporting CBNRM Net in one way or another
  3. Management - Management of CBNRM Net