The Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network

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Literature, Authors


This Group contains CBNRM literature, published as well as unpublished (i.e., grey literature). Different types of documents are listed, including reports, articles in books, articles in periodicals, papers and project documents, and books. Most documents can be downloaded as PDF files. For advice on downloading documents see Category Help. A Background on this Item is available.

Relevant documents are available elsewhere on the web site, including: (1) CBNRM Net Newsletters (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters), CBNRM Net Papers (see Category CBNRM Net Papers), (2) Case studies (see Category Case studies), (3) Documents connected with the administration of CBNRM Net, including CBNRM Net's Register of Members (see Category Register of Members), guidelines for preparing CBNRM knowledge for CBNRM Net, and the Membership Application Form (see Section Support), and (4) Documents that are archived (see Category Archive).


  1. Actes de Koudougou. 1999. Consultation technique regionale sur les experiences de la gestion des ressources naturelles: Evolution et perspectives, Koudougou (Burkina Faso), du 6 au 10 Decembre 1999. Proceedings from a regional consultation on NRM experiences in West Africa. Ca. 160 p. Description: Explores the adoption of natural resource management techniques and implementation of policy. Keywords: West Africa. Comments: Background papers from several West African countries are included. In French only. Workshop summary available in French and English. URL:
  2. Adhikan, Jay R. 2001. Community based natural resource management in Nepal with reference to community forestry: A gender perspective. A Journal of the Environment, vol. 6, no. 7, p. 9-22. Keywords: gender, user group, women. [download]
  3. Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development. 2002. "Gumare-Qangwa workshop report. Towards developing a community-based natural resources assessment system." Compiled by Michael Vosa Flyman. Gumare, Botswana: Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development (ACORD). Keywords: assessment, Botswana. Comments: Story in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 20, December 2002 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  4. Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development. 2002. "Qangwa Natural Resources Assessment System. Inventory Outputs." Compiled by ACORD's Natural Resources Management Team. Facilitated by Michael Vosa Flyman. Gumare, Botswana: Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development (ACORD). Keywords: Botswana, indigenous knowledge, nomenclature, TEK, traditional knowledge. Comments: The initial sampling exercise was 8-13 May 2002. Story in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 20, December 2002 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  5. Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development. October 2002. "Through our eyes. ACORD's experience with CBNRM. Okavango Community Trust." Gumare, Botswana: Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development (ACORD). Keywords: Botswana, Okavango. [download]
  6. Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development. December 2003. "Bridging the gap between livestock keeping and tourism in Ngamiland District, Botswana." Concept paper. Prepared by Michael Vosa Flyman. Gumare, Botswana: Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development (ACORD). Keywords: ecotourism, livestock. [download]
  7. Alcorn, Janis, Asukile Kajuni, and Bob Winterbottom. 2002. "Assessment of CBNRM best practices in Tanzania. Final Report, 31 October 2002." Tanzania: Office of Sustainable Development, Africa Bureau, United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Keywords: coastal, marine, park. Comments: Also available at USAID FRAME, together with Annexes and related documents. [download]
  8. Alden Wily, Liz. 2000. "Democratizing the commonage. The changing legal framework for natural resource management in eastern and southern Africa with particular reference to forests." Paper presented at the '2nd CASS/PLAAS Regional meeting', Cape Town, South Africa, 16-17 October 2000. Keywords: commons, forestry, forests, governance, institutions, land reform, law, legal framework, East Africa, Southern Africa. Comments: workshop theme: 'Legal aspects of governance in CBNRM'. [download]
  9. Alden Wily, Liz. 2002. "Community forest management in Africa. An overview of progress and issues." Keynote paper presented at the 'Second international workshop on participatory forest management in Africa', Arusha, Tanzania, 18-23 February 2002. Keywords: Africa, participatory forest management. Comments: published in the Proceedings on the 'International workshop on participatory forest management in Africa', by FAO. [download]
  10. Alden Wily, Liz and Sue Mbaya. 2001. Land, people and forest in eastern and southern Africa at the beginning of the 21st century. The impact of land relations on the role of communities in forest future. Nairobi, Kenya: IUCN-EARO. Keywords: East Africa, forest, land, Southern Africa.
  11. Amarilla, Jesus O. n.d. "Watershed management. Case Study. Capacity building for FORPELDAS, August 2006 to February 2009." 14 pages. Description: ?. Keywords: Indonesia. Comments: ?. [download]
  12. Apensperg-Traun, Max, Dilys Roe and Colman O’Criodain, eds. 2011. CITES and CBNRM. Proceedings of an international symposium on “The relevance of CBNRM to the conservation and sustainable use of CITES-listed species in exporting countries”, Vienna, Austria, 18-20 May 2011. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and London, UK: IIED. 172pp. [download]
  13. Arntzen, Jaap and Kwashi Chigadora. 2002. "The impact of government policies on rangelands conditions and rural livelihoods in the Matsheng Area Kgalagadi North, Botswana." Project 'Global change and subsistence rangelands in Southern Africa: Resource variability, access and use in relation to rural livelihoods and welfare'. Proceedings of EU funded workshop, Maseru, Lesotho, 26 November - 1 December 2000. Keywords: Botswana, government policy, rangelands. [download]
  14. Arthur, Robert I. and Carrie I. Garaway. 2003. "Adaptive learning in small waterbody fisheries in Lao PDR 1999-2002. Briefing document." London, United Kingdom: Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) Ltd. Keywords: adaptive learning, fisheries, Lao PDR. Comments: Cf. Garaway and Arthur (2002, 2002), and Marine Resources Assessment Group (2003, 2003, 2004, 2004). [download]
  15. Association pour la Promotion de l'Elevage au Sahel et en Savane. 2000. "Minutes of the discussions on the creation of CORET (Confederation of Traditional Herders Organizations)." Association pour la Promotion de l'Elevage au Sahel et en Savane (APESS), General Assembly Meeting, Doris, Burkina Faso, 13-19 November 2000. Keywords: Africa, Burkina Faso, herders, law, pastoralism, rangeland management. Comments: French and English versions. [download]
  16. Ba, Boubacar. 2002. "Approaches to the IASCP regionalization process at the level of the West African French-speaking sub-region" / "Cheminement du processus de regionalization de l'IASCP au niveau de la zone Francophone Ouest Africaine." Paper presented at the 'Ninth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June 2002. Keywords: francophone, networking, West Africa. Comments: Part of the panel 'Transcending barriers: the role of networks in NRM' co-sponsored by CBNRM Net. [download: English version, French version.]
  17. Baird, I. 2000. Integrating community-based fisheries co-management and protected areas management in Laos PDR: Opportunities for advancement and obstacles to implementation. Series Evaluating Eden, EE DP 14. 19 p. London, United Kingdom: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). ISSN 15618382. Description: Between 1993 and 1998 several villages in Lao PDR established co-management regulations to manage and conserve inland aquatic resources sustainably. The paper presents detailed information regarding the development of the aquatic resource co-management and its monitoring system. While many of the lessons learned from the co-management experience are applicable to other parts of Laos and the region, unique conditions in different areas will require inventive approaches to meet local needs. Common property regimes can break down in crisis, but experience indicates that they can also be strengthened in response to resource management. It is argued that having the freedom and ability to be flexible with regards to management approaches is one of the biggest advantages of decentralized natural resource management systems. It encourages dynamic adaptive management, keeps regulations relevant, and is at least as critical to understand kinship, religious, linguistic, social, economic, political and cultural factors that affect resource management practices, as it is to understand ecological processes.
  18. Barton, T., et al. 1997. Our people, our resources. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN and United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). Comments: published also in French and Spanish. URL:
  19. Bell, Richard. 1999. "CBNRM and other acronyms: An overview and challenges in the Southern African region." Paper presented at the CASS/PLAAS inaugural meeting on 'Community Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa: A regional programme of analysis and communication', Kadoma, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1999. Keywords: Southern Africa. [download]
  20. Bennell, Paul, et al. 2000. "Improving policy analysis and management for poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: Creating an effective learning community." United Kingdom: Institute of Development Studies. Keywords: Africa, communication, knowledge management, learning, policy analysis, poverty reduction. [download]
  21. Bergstrand, Niklas. 2004. "Traditional authority in Mozambique. A potential source in the implementation of a rural development project?" M.A. Thesis. Department of Political Science, Lund University. Lund, Sweden: Lund University. Keywords: actor-structure, community, implementation, traditional leaders, traditional-modernity. [download]
  22. Birner, Regina and Marhawati Mappatoba. 2002. "Community agreements on conservation in Central Sulawesi: A Coase solution to externalities or a case of empowered deliberative democracy?" STORMA Discussion Paper Series, Sub-program A on Social and Economic Dynamics in Rain Forest Margins, no. 3, July 2002. Keywords: community, conservation, Indonesia, Sulawesi. [download]
  23. Bock, John and Sara Johnson. n.d. "The Okavango Delta Peoples of Botswana." URL:
  24. Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia. 1996. Collaborative management of protected areas: Tailoring the approach to the context. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Comments: published also in French, Portuguese and Spanish. URL:
  25. Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia, ed. 1997. Beyond fences: Seeking social sustainability in conservation. 2 vols. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  26. Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia, et al. 2000. Co-management of natural resources: Organising, negotiating and learning-by-doing. Heidelberg, Germany: GTZ and International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Kasparek Verlag. Comments: Published also in Arabic, French, Italian and Spanish.
  27. Brascoupé, Simon and Simon Howard. 2001. "A community guide to protecting indigenous knowledge." Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development - Research Affairs Directorate / Affaires indiennes et du nord Canada - Direction de la recherche et de l'analyse. Keywords: aboriginal people, community-based solutions, IK, oral traditions, knowledge, law, rights. URL: Comments: The author works with Aboriginal Affairs Branch, Environment Canada (email: simon.brascoupe(a) The document is available in English and French. [download: Table of Contents (English), Table of Contents (French)]
  28. Bromley, D. C. and Michael M. Cernea. 1989. "The management of common property natural resources: Some conceptual and operational fallacies." Discussion Paper, no. 57. Washington D.C., United States: The World Bank.
  29. Brosius, J. Peter and Anna Lowenhaupt, et al. 1998. Representing communities: Histories and politics of community-based natural resource management. Society & Natural Resources, vol. 11, p. 157, March 1998.
  30. Bruce, J., et al. 1996. Country profiles of land tenure in Southern Africa. Wisconsin, USA: Land Tenure Centre, University of Wisconsin.
  31. Buckles, Daniel, ed. 1999. Cultivating peace. Conflict and collaboration in natural resource management. Ottawa, Canada and Washington D.C., United States: International Development Research Centre and the World Bank. 300 p. ISBN 0-88936-899-6. Description: This volume was the outcome of a research and writing project aimed at submitting a number of cases studies on conflict management for the 'International Community-Based Natural Resource Management workshop', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. URLs: presentation of the volume, Introduction. Comments: the workshop and its output is hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Section Webhosting).
  32. Bwalya, Samuel M. 2002. "Community based wildlife management in Zambia: a critical analysis of experiences from the Blue Lagoon Game Management Area." Paper presented at the 'Ninth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June 2002. Keywords: CBWM. [download]
  33. Campbell, Bruce and M. Bevlyne Sithole. 2000. CAMPFIRE experiences in Zimbabwe. Science, vol. 287, issue 5450, p. 42 (2 p).
  34. Carson, Toby. n.d. Community-based natural resource management. In: Environment: Concepts and issues, p. 353-63. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Keywords: Cambodia. Comments: Focuses on Cambodia, appears to be available online only here. [download]
  35. CASS/PLAAS. 1999. "Community-based natural resource management in Southern Africa: A regional programme of analysis and communication. Report on the inaugural workshop of the CASS/PLAAS programme on community-based natural resource management in Southern Africa, Kadoma, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1999." Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS), University of Zimbabwe and Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), School of Government, University of the Western Cape. Keywords: Southern Africa. Comments: The programme web site at is not available anymore. [download]
  36. CASS/PLAAS. 2000. "Community-based natural resource management in Southern Africa: A regional programme of analysis and communication. Report on the 2nd regional workshop of the CASS/PLAAS programme on community-based natural resource management in Southern Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-17 October 2000." Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS), University of Zimbabwe and Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), School of Government, University of the Western Cape. Keywords: Southern Africa. Comments: The programme web site at is not available anymore. [download]
  37. CBNRM Support Programme. 2002. "The Botswana elephant paradox." October 2002. Prepared in connection with the CITES meeting in November 2002. Gaborone, Botswana: CBNRM Support Programme. Keywords: conservation, ecotourism. Comments: details available in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 20, February 2003 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  38. Centre for Applied Research. 2003. "Inception report. Review of community-based natural resource management in Botswana." Study carried out for the National CBNRM Forum and submitted to the Review Reference Committee 23 May 2003. Gaborone, Botswana: Centre for Applied Research. Keywords: Botswana. [download]
  39. Chakrabarti, Milindo. 2001. "Towards an operational definition of sustainability." Paper presented at the Seminar on Poverty and Sustainable Development, organized by UNESCO, University of Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, Paris, France, 22-23 November 2001. Keywords: poverty, sustainable development. [download]
  40. Chambers, Lucas. n.d. "An act of faith. Community based natural resource management in Botswana." Unpublished. Keywords: Botswana. Comments: Possibly written in 2002. [download]
  41. Chemonics International Inc. n.d. "Community-based natural resource management: Policy review and revision. Final Report." Prepared by Mark D. Johnstad. United States Agency for International Development, RCSA, BIOFOR Task Order 802. Submitted to Dept. of Wildlife and National Parks. MCI, Government of Botswana. Keywords: Botswana. Comments: Only the front matter is available. [download]
  42. Chemonics International Inc. 2000. "Gap analysis of district level community-based natural resource management system capacity. Final Report." Prepared by Brian Jones and Wilf Slade. United States Agency for International Development, RCSA, BIOFOR Task Order 802. Submitted to Dept. of Wildlife and National Parks. MCI, Government of Botswana. Keywords: Botswana. [download]
  43. Chevalier, Jacques M. 2003. "The Stakeholder/Social Information System (SIS)." Ottawa, Canada: Carleton University. Keywords: methodology, methods, social analysis. Comments: The document is identical with the introductory document available on the SIS web site that contains links to a number of proposed social analysis and Action Research Management (ARM) techniques. [download]
  44. Corbett, Andrew and Brian T. B. Jones. 2000. "The legal aspects of governance in CBNRM in Namibia." Paper presented at the 2nd CASS/PLAAS Regional meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-17 October 2000. Keywords: governance, law, Namibia. Comments: workshop theme 'Legal aspects of governance in CBNRM'. [download]
  45. Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development. 2000. Community-based natural resource management. In: 1999-2000 Annual Report, p. 104-109. Ithaca, New York, United States: Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD). Keywords: institutional innovation, organizational relationships, the Philippines, technical innovation. Comments: Only part of the document is available for downloading. [download]
  46. Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development. 2001. Community-based natural resource management. In: 2000-2001 Annual Report, p. 117-124. Ithaca, New York, United States: Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD). Keywords: conservation, forest degradation, Ghana, Guatemala, institutional capital, Madagascar, social capital. Comments: Only part of the document is available. [download]
  47. Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development. 2002. Community-based natural resource management. In: 2001-2002 Annual Report, p. 18. Ithaca, New York, United States: Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD). Keywords: Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, the Philippines. Comments: Only part of the document is available. [download]
  48. Cousins, Tessa and Donna Hornby. 2000. "Leaping the fissures: bridging the gap between paper and real practice in setting up common property institutions in land reform in South Africa." Paper presented at the second CASS/PLAAS Regional meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-17 October 2000. Keywords: governance, institutions, land reform, South Africa. Comments: workshop theme 'Legal aspects of governance in CBNRM'. [download]
  49. Cumming, D. H. M. 2000. Drivers of resource management practices - fire in the belly? Comments on 'Cross-cultural conflicts in fire management in northern Australia: not so black and white' by Alan Andersen. Conservation Ecology, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 4, February 2000. URL:
  50. Deutcher Entwicklungsdienst. 2002. "Pufferzonenmanagement im Naturschutzgebiet Pu Luong, Provinz Thanh Hoa." A collaboration between Deutcher Entwicklungsdienst Vietnam, Fauna and Flora, World Bank GEF, and Global Environment Facility. Keywords: bufferzone, management, park, Vietnam. Comments: The English name for Deutcher Entwicklungsdienst (DED) is 'German Development Service'. [download]
  51. Development Alternatives. n.d. "AIDS brief for sectoral planners and managers: community-based natural resource management." Bethesda, Maryland, United States: Development Alternatives, Inc (DAI). Keywords: AIDS, HIV. Comments: Cf. DAI (2001). Comments: Cf. DAI (2001). [download: Version 1 (36 Kb), Version 2 (1,883 Kb)]
  52. Development Alternatives. 2001. "AIDS toolkits. HIV/AIDS and community-based natural resource management." Bethesda, Maryland, United States: Development Alternatives , Inc. (DAI). Comments: The Toolkit is financed by USAID. Reviewed in Focus 'CBNRM and HIV/AIDS' in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 14, October 2001 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). Cf. DAI (n.d.) and USAID (2000). [download: Version 1 (226 Kb), Version 2 (44 Kb)]
  53. Earth Council. 1997. "Implementing Sustainable Development. Summaries of Special Focus Reports prepared for the Rio+5 Forum." Keywords: ICM. Comments: The Special Focus Reports were commissioned in 1996-97, served as background information for discussion at the Rio+5 Forum, and provided significant input for the first drafts of a number of alliances and action plans developed during and after the event. Included here are reports on two coastal management projects in the Philippines, as reported by the Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources. [Download: Focus, Index (English), Focus, Index (Spanish), Ecosystems, Oceans (English), Ecosystems, Oceans (Spanish), Projects (English), Projects (Spanish)]
  54. Edmunds, David and Eva Wollenberg. 2002. "Disadvantaged groups in multistakeholder negotiations." CIFOR Programme Report. June 2002. Keywords: alliance building, collective action, conflict, negotiation. Comments: CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 19, September 2002, contains an abstract and gives the citation for the original paper that this report is a summary of (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters, cf. Edmunds and Wollenberg 2001). [download]
  55. Emery, Alan R. 2000. "Integrating indigenous knowledge in project planning and implementation." Partnership publication of the International Labour Organization, the World Bank, the Canadian International Development Agency and KIVU Nature Inc. Keywords: IK, project implementation, project planning, TEK, traditional knowledge. [download]
  56. Fakir, Saliem. 2003. "The privatization of the commons in Southern Africa: what are the trends and debates. Draft final." IUCN - Southern Africa. Keywords: commons, privatization, Southern Africa. [download]
  57. Fakir, Saliem. 2004. "Towards a pragmatic compliance and enforcement regime for the environment using a rights-based approach." Paper presented at the conference 'Enviro-legal compliance for sustainability', Rosebank, South Africa, 23-25 February 2004. Keywords: environment, rights-based. [download]
  58. Farrington, John, et al. 1999. Sustainable livelihoods in practice: Early applications of concepts in rural areas. ODI Natural Resource Perspectives, no. 42, June 1999. URL:
  59. Faure-Osei, Armelle and Noumou Diakite. 2002. "Etude d'Impact Environnemental et Social. Rapport Final." Projet de Conservation et Valorisation de la Biodiversité du Gourma (PCVB-G). Bamako, Mali: Ministere du Developpement Rural et de l'Environnement Republique du Mali. Keywords: biodiversité, biodiversity, Gourma, Mali. [download]
  60. Flintan, Fiona. 2001. Women and CBNRM in Namibia. A case study of the IRDNC Community Resource Monitor Project. Working Paper, no. 2. Engendering Eden Project. Keywords: gender, Namibia. Comments: Contact information available in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 20, January 2003 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  61. Le Fonds d'équipement des Nations Unies. 2000. "Atelier 'Développement Local et Gestion Décentralisée des Ressources Naturelles', Cotonou, Bénin, 10-16 Décembre 2000, Rapport General." Organized by United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). Keywords: Benin, gestion des terroirs. Comment(s): No output available in English. [download]
  62. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2001. "Towards ecosystem-based fisheries management." Background paper for the conference on 'Responsible fisheries in the marine ecosystem', Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-4 October 2001. Keywords: ecosystem-based, fisheries. [download]
  63. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2002. Committee on Fisheries, Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, Draft report from First session, Beijing, People's Republic of China, 18-22 April 2002. FAO Fisheries Report, no. 674. Keywords: livelihoods, poverty reduction, rural aquaculture development. Comments: The report available on CBNRM Net is a draft version. [download]
  64. Forest Trends, US Forest Service and USAID. n.d. "Advancing payments for biodiversity conservation outside of protected areas." Keywords: biodiversity conservation, protected areas. [download]
  65. Fortmann, Luise, Emery Roe and Michael van Eeten. 2001. "At the threshold between governance and management: Community-based natural resource management in Southern Africa." Public Administration and Development, vol. 21, issue 2, p. 171-85. Description: The threshold-based management framework is used to analyse and make policy recommendations for CBNRM. Two cases from Southern Africa are presented. Keywords: governance, management, policy, Southern Africa, threshold-based resource management. Comments: Cf. Roe and van Eeten (2001).
  66. Francisco, Josefa. n.d. "Social relations in CBNRM: Taking stock of gender and class differentials in community research." URL:
  67. Gaborone, S. 1998. "Land and resource tenure in Botswana: An overview." In: Natural resource tenure and decentralization in the SADC region. Harare, Zimbabwe: Africa Resources Trust.
  68. Gambill, David. 1999. Intentionally sustainable. How community-based natural resource management enables and encourages the sustainable use of resources. Gender Working Paper, 99/1. Washington D.C., United States: DevTech Systems, Inc. Description: Presents a framework to explain how community-based resource management (CBRM) programs can help people change from using resources unsustainably to using them sustainably. The framework is based on the economic principle that people will use resources in the way that provides them the most benefit. The paper highlights the role of gender issues to illustrate how the concerns of different socioeconomic groups in communities can affect the outcomes of CBNRM programs and offers guidelines to manage them. Keywords: sustainable use. URL:
  69. Garaway, Carrie J. and Robert I. Arthur. 2002. "Adaptive learning: lessons from southern Lao PDR." London, United Kingdom: Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) Ltd. Keywords: adaptive learning, Lao PDR. Comments: Cf. Garaway and Arthur (2002), Arthur and Garaway (2003), Marine Resources Assessment Group (2003, 2003, 2004, 2004). [download]
  70. Garaway, Carrie J. and Robert I. Arthur. 2002. "Community fisheries: lessons from southern Lao PDR." London, United Kingdom: Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) Ltd. Keywords: community fisheries, Lao PDR. Comments: Cf. Garaway and Arthur (2002), Arthur and Garaway (2003), Marine Resources Assessment Group (2003, 2003, 2004, 2004). [download]
  71. Gautam, Upendra, et al. 2001. "Report on the FMIS award and training on the theme of resource mobilization for operation and maintenance of irrigation systems." Kathmandu, Nepal: Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems Promotion Trust. Keywords: irrigation system, maintenance, Nepal, operation. [download]
  72. Gautam, Upendra, et al. 2002. "Distributive justice in the development of water resources: Experience and option from Nepal." Prepared for the first Asia Water Forum (SAWAF), Kathmandu, Nepal, 26-28 February 2002. Keywords: distributive justice, gender, poverty, PTSG, resettlement, social equity, social justice, water policy, water resource development. [download]
  73. Gerrard, Christopher D. 1998. "Co-management and collective mechanisms for environmental management." Powerpoint presentation, training workshop 'Institutional frameworks for environmental management', World Bank, Washington D.C., United States, 17-18 November 1998. Keywords: co-management, collective action. Comments: partly a summary of some of the key points to come out of the 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998, that is hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Section Webhosting). [download]
  74. Getz, Wayne and Louise Fortmann, et al. 1999. Sustaining natural and human capital: Villagers and scientists. Science, vol. 283, issue 5409, p. 1855 (2 p).
  75. Government of Botswana. 1983. Report of the Presidential Commission on Land Tenure. Gaborone, Botswana: Government Printer.
  76. Government of Botswana, Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs. n.d. "Draft national policy for non-governmental organizations and community based organizations." Prepared by the Botswana Council of Non-Governmental Organisations (BOCONGO).
  77. Graham, Jennifer and Rebecca Rivera-Guieb. 2006. "Resource centers as communities of practice: A preliminary investigation." Canada: Catalyst Community Consulting. Description: Analysis of selected CBNRM resource centers to illustrate key messages concerning their purpose, structure, function, and sustainability. Keywords: centre of excellence, learning centre, institute, capacity-building. Comments: CBNRM Net is one of the resource centres presented and analyzed (based on information submitted earlier in the year - see below). Among other observations, the report makes the key point that CBNRM Net is a "distributed network." URL: download.
  78. Gujadhur, Tara. 1999. "Botswana." In: Regional inventory of strategies in community based natural resource management. Gaborone, Botswana: SNV Botswana.
  79. Gujadhur, Tara. 2000. "Alcohol abuse intervention strategies for rural (Bushmen) settlements embarking on CBNRM." July 2000. Gaborone, Botswana: IUCN/SNV CBNRM Support Programme. Keywords: alcoholism, Botswana, San. [download]
  80. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI). 2001. "Report on the workshop on human system connectivity: A need for MPA management effectivity." A special event at the 'Symposium on Caribbean Marine Protected Areas: Practical approaches to achieve economic and conservation goals', the 54th Annual Meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, 12-17 November 2001. Keywords: Caribbean, conservation, management, MPAs. [download]
  81. Gunter, Jennifer. 1995. "Creating the conditions for sustainable community forestry in B.C.: A case study of the Kaslo and district community forest." B.A. Hons, McGill University. Report, no. 267, 2000. Burnaby, British Colombia, Canada: School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University. Keywords: community forestry. [download]
  82. Gunter, Jennifer and Shawn Jodway. 1999. "Community-based natural resource management: A strategy for community economic development." March 1999. Draft. CED for Forest Communities Project. Burnaby, British Colombia, Canada: Simon Fraser University. Keywords: economic development. [download]
  83. Haddad, Lawrence and John A. Maluccio. 2002. Trust, membership in groups, and household welfare: Evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Discussion Paper, no. 135. Washington D.C., United States: Food Consumption and Nutrition Division (FCND), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Keywords: collective action, social capital, South Africa, trust. Comments: for the complete text see email address and web site in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 20, February 2003 (see CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  84. Hall, John M., ed. 2002. "Manuel d'Animation des Communautes Pastorales." Programme Pastoral Pilote Ouest Africain (PPPOA). Washington D.C., les Etats-Unis d'Amérique: Banque Mondiale. Keywords: developpement a la base, developpement des capacites, elevage extensif, formation des analphabetes, formation experientielle, gestion holistique (des ressources), nomadisme, pastoralisme, suivi participatif, transhumance, World Bank. Comments: Un projet execute de 1994 a 2002 par la Banque Mondiale et co-finance par la Norvège. L'equipe du PPPOA a procede a l'etablissement de ce manuel. Presented in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 24, March 2004 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters. An English version is available (cf. Hall 2002). This document is part of a training package, see Category Tools for details, including supporting material. [download]
  85. Hall, John H., ed. 2002. "Outreach manual for pastoral communities." The West Africa Pilot Pastoral Program (WAPPP). Washington D.C., United States: World Bank. Keywords: community-based development, community capacity building, education of analphabet communities, experiencial training, extensive herding, holistic resources management, nomadism, participatory monitoring, pastoralism, training, transhumance. Comments: A World Bank supported project, co-financed by Norway. WAPPP staff were involved in the production of this manual. The WAPPP started in 1994 and closed in 2002. Presented in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 24, March 2004 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). A French version is available (cf. Hall 2002). This document is part of a training package, see Category Tools for details, including supporting material. [download]
  86. Hanna, Susan. 1998. "Co-management in small-scale fisheries: Creating effective linkages among stakeholders." Plenary presentation, the 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Keywords: theory. [download]
  87. Hardin, G. 1968. The tragedy of the commons. Science, 162, p. 133-38.
  88. Hoben, Allan, Pauline Peters and Dianne Rocheleau. 1996. Participation and development assistance in Africa. USAID Policy Brief, no. 3, September 1996. URL:
  89. Hunter, Barry. 2000. Community based management initiatives for marine turtle and dugong. Reef Management News, vol. 10, no. 1, March 2000. Keywords: biodiversity, conservation. Comments: Journal published by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. [download]
  90. International Association for the Study of Common Property, Francophone West-Africa Network. 2001. "Action plan for the follow-up of IASCP activities in French-speaking Africa from 2001 to 2002." Document from a meeting in Ougadougou, Niger, 24-25 September 2001. Keywords: common property, CPR. Comments: The output of this meeting is hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Section Webhosting). [download]
  91. International Association for the Study of Common Property, Francophone West-Africa Network. 2001. "IASCP regionalization thought processes at the level of West African French speaking areas." Document from a meeting in Ougadougou, Niger, 24-25 September 2001. Keywords: common property, CPR. Comments: The output of this meeting is hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Section Webhosting). [download]
  92. International Center for Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) and North Sea Center (NSC). n.d. "Analysis of fisheries co-management arrangements: Research framework." URL:
  93. International Institute for Environment and Development. 2002. "Shared management of common property resources in the Sahel. A regional action-research programme. 1999-2002 Final report." London, United Kingdom: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Keywords: conflict. [download]
  94. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction. 2003. "International course on 'Participatory Action Research (PAR) for Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Cavite, the Philippines, 8-9 December 2003. Course report." Cavite, the Philippines: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR). Keywords: training. Comments: cf. IIRR (2003). [download]
  95. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction. 2003. "International course on 'Participatory Action Research (PAR) for Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Cavite, the Philippines, 8-9 December 2003. Course participant feedback." Cavite, the Philippines: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR). Keywords: training. Comments: cf. IIRR (2003). [download]
  96. International Union for the Conservation of Nature. 2003. "Report on workshop stream III: Governance of protected areas (PAs) (New ways of working together)." Durban, South Africa, 8-17 September 2003. Keywords: governance. [download]
  97. Institute of Development Studies. 2006. "A good place to start. The IDS Knowledge Services guide to finding development information online." Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. Description: A list of key web sites, organized by a number of categories. URL: download. Comments: CBNRM Net is listed in the category "Conservation and biodiversity."
  98. IUCN-ROSA. 1999. Environmental strategies for land tenure and community based natural resource management in Southern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: IUCN-ROSA.
  99. Jaramogi, Apollo. 2002. "Uganda Orphans Rural Development Programme (UORDP): the role of UORDP in enhancing natural resources and livelihoods for orphaned children through CBNRM in Tororo District, Uganda." Presented at the workshop 'Enhancing natural resources and livelihoods globally through community-based resource management', 6-9 November 2002. Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada: Learning and Innovations Institute, St. Francis Xavier University. Keywords: AIDS, HIV. [download]
  100. Jones, Brian T. B. 1998. Namibia's approach to community-based natural resource management (CBNRM): Towards sustainable development in communal areas. In: Scandinavian seminar college: African perspectives of policies and practices supporting sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Windhoek, September 1998. Keywords: communal lands, group land tenure, legislation, policy, sustainable management, wildlife. [download]
  101. Jones, Brian T. B. 1999. Community-based natural resource management in Botswana and Namibia: An inventory and preliminary analysis of progress. Series Evaluating Eden, EE DP 06. 95 p. London, United Kingdom: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). ISSN 15618382. Description: CBNRM activities have increased considerably in both Botswana and Namibia in the last five years, supported by enabling legislation, financial support and 'light touch' facilitation. The paper gives a brief history of this establishment, covering: (1) socio-economic and environmental aspects, together with the policy and legal framework for CBNRM, (2) national level activities, (3) major implementing organizations, and (4) short 'project profiles' detailing the location, activities, and implementing partners of individual local projects. Important issues raised include: forms of participation of wildlife management, community dynamics, the institutional set-up, and indigenous community wildlife management initiatives. It is concluded that if CBNRM is to continue to develop, then a number of issues need to be addressed in each of the countries. The present situation in Botswana relies too much on the good will of the present government and the co-operation and capacity of district institutions. As a result, there is the danger of some marginal groups missing out on the benefits and in some areas issues, such as the resettlement of certain communities, are still seen as the solution to conservation/tourism development problems. In Namibia, though the policy and legislative environment goes further than any other in southern Africa in giving flexible but secure rights over wildlife and tourism directly to local communities, CBNRM has still to address some major issues and problems. Not least of these, is the need for a more secure and exclusive land tenure and the problems of equity in ensuring that those who pay the cost of wildlife conservation obtain the benefits. Keywords: Botswana, Namibia. Comments: The report was submitted in 1997. [download]
  102. Jones, Brian T. B. 2003. "Selected natural resource management and limited rural development assessment." Carried out for USAID, Namibia as part of the development of a programme strategy (i.e. strategic plan) for 2004-2010. Doc. ID/Order no. PN-ACX-276. Washington D.C., United States: United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Keywords: Namibia. [download]
  103. Josserand, Henry P. 1999. "Assessment and impact of the CBNRM experience in Africa. Brief presentation of the plan for data management and analysis." Prepared for presentation at the meeting on Economic and Environmental Trends in Africa, 21 December 1999. Burlington, Vermont, United States: Associates in Rural Development, Inc. Keywords: Africa, case studies, database, data base, knowledge management. Comments: See the publications on Environmental Monitoring and Information Systems (EMIS), of the WRI/USAID Information Working Group. [download]
  104. Juinio-Menez, Marie A. 2002. "Myths and realities of participation in Philippine CBNRM: lessons from an analysis of who participates in what." Paper presented at the 'Ninth biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June 2002. Keywords: participation, the Philippines. [download]
  105. Junge, Hajo. 2002. Decentralisation and community-based natural resource management in Tanzania. The case of local governance and community-based conservation in districts around the Selous Game Reserve. Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper, no. 32. Dar Es Salaam: Wildlife Division, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, GTZ Wildlife Programme in Tanzania. Keywords: conservation, decentralisation, governance, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania, wildlife. [download]
  106. Kadekodi, Gopal K. and Seema S. Hegde. 2002. "A brief bibliographical survey on common property resources and community management of natural resources." December 2002. Commissioned by South Asian Network for Developmental and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Kathmandu, Nepal. Keywords: community management, CPR, natural resources. [download]
  107. Kashwan, Prakash. 2003. "Conflicts in joint forest management. Cases from Rajasthan." Community Forestry, vol. 2, Issue 4, May 2003, p. 12-17. Keywords: conflict, India, JFM, Rajasthan. [download]
  108. Katerere, Y., and Guveya. 1998. "Seeking new perspectives in land and natural resource management." In: Setting the foundations for building capacities, networking and research for land reforms in Southern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: ZERO.
  109. Khanya - Managing Rural Change. 2002. "Report of 'South African community-based planning workshop', Bloemfontein, South Africa, 29-30 October 2002." 18 November 2002. Keywords: CBP. Comments: Presented in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 20, February 2003 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  110. Khanya - Managing Rural Change. 2003. Community-based natural resource management. Sustaining Livelihoods in Southern Africa, Issue 10, June 2003. Keywords: Southern Africa. Comments: The SLSA series is partly hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Section Webhosting). [download]
  111. Kluvánková-Oravská, Tatiana. 2001. "Community based natural resource management. Improving environmental decision making in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The case of the nature protection in the Slovak Republic." Paper presented at the conference 'Human dimensions research in Austria and CEECs', Graz, Austria, 18-19 May 2001. Keywords: community management, decision making, environmental valuation, nature protection, regional development, stakeholder approach. Comments: prepared as part of the project 'Community based natural resource management', supported under the McNamara Fellowship Programme of the World Bank. [download]
  112. Kothari, Ashish. 2000. "Conserving nature with communities. Lessons from real life experiences in South Asia." Paper presented at the 2nd IUCN World Conservation Congress in Amman, Jordan, 3-11 October 2000. Keywords: community, conservation, South Asia. [download]
  113. Kothari, Ashish. 2000. "Incentives for biodiversity conservation at the local community level." In: Convention on Biological Diversity - Policy papers on crosscutting issues, vol. 1: Incentives and benefit sharing, p. 1-12. New Delhi, India: WWW-India. Keywords: biodiversity, CBD, community, conservation. [download]
  114. La Vina, Antonio. 2002. "The future of CBNRM in the Philippines: the impact and challenge of global economic, environmental and technological change." Paper presented at the 'Ninth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June 2002. Keywords: biotechnology, climate change, globalization. [download]
  115. Leach, Melissa, Robin Mearns and I. Scoones. 1999. Environmental entitlements: Dynamics and institutions in community-based natural resource management. World Development, vol. 27, p. 225-47, February 1999.
  116. Le Breton, Gus. 1998. "Semantics, sustainability and CBNRM." Prepared for the Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (SAFIRE), Harare, Zimbabwe. Keywords: Southern Africa, terminology, Zimbabwe. [download]
  117. Lindsay, Jon. 1998. "Designing legal space: Law as an enabling tool in community-based management." Plenary presentation, the 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Keywords: law, legal reform, theory. [download]
  118. Lynch, Owen J. and Janis B. Alcorn. 1994. Tenurial rights and community-based conservation. In: D. Western and R. Michael Wright with Shirley C. Strum, eds. Natural connections: Perspectives in community based conservation. Washington D.C., United States: Island Press.
  119. Lyons, Andrew. 2000. "An effective monitoring framework for community based natural resource management: A case study of the ADMADE Program in Zambia." Master of Science thesis. Graduate School, University of Florida. Keywords: evaluation, monitoring, Zambia. [download]
  120. Mansuri, Ghazala and Rao Vijayendra. 2003. "Evaluating community-based and community-driven development: a critical review of the evidence." Washington D.C., United States: Development Research Group, World Bank. Keywords: CB, CDD. [download]
  121. Marcus, Richard R. and Christian Kull. n.d. "Setting the stage: The politics of Madagascar's environmental efforts." URL:
  122. Marine Resources Assessment Group. 2003. Fisheries & adaptive learning. Brief, no. 1, May 2003. London, United Kingdom: Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) Ltd. Keywords: adaptive learning, India, Lao PDR, Vietnam. Comments: Cf. Arthur and Garraway (2003), Garraway and Arthur (2002, 2002). [download]
  123. Marine Resources Assessment Group. 2003. Fisheries & adaptive learning. Brief, no. 2, December 2003. London, United Kingdom: Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) Ltd. Keywords: adaptive learning, India, Lao PDR, Vietnam. Comments: Cf. Arthur and Garraway (2003), Garraway and Arthur (2002, 2002). [download]
  124. Marine Resources Assessment Group. 2004. Fisheries & adaptive learning. Brief, no. 3, April 2004. London, United Kingdom: Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) Ltd. Keywords: adaptive learning, India, Lao PDR, Vietnam. Comments: Cf. Arthur and Garraway (2003), Garraway and Arthur (2002, 2002). [download]
  125. Marine Resources Assessment Group. 2004. Fisheries & adaptive learning. Brief, no. 4, August 2004. London, United Kingdom: Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) Ltd. Keywords: adaptive learning, India, Lao PDR, Vietnam. Comments: Cf. Arthur and Garraway (2003), Garraway and Arthur (2002, 2002). [download]
  126. Matowanyika, J. Z. Z. and N. Marongwe. 1998. Land and sustainable development in Southern Africa: An exploration of some emerging issues. Harare, Zimbabwe: ZERO.
  127. McCay, Bonnie J. 1998. "Co-managing the commons." Plenary presentation, the 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Keywords: fisheries, theory. [download]
  128. Mhlanga, F. N. 2002. "Community-based management of animal genetic resources: A participatory approaches framework." February 2002. Harare, Zimbabwe: Dept. of Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Comments: The author works with Dept. of Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe, Harare. [download]
  129. Min-Dong, Paul Lee. 2002. "Community-based natural resource management: A bird's eye view." Internship report, August 2002. Ottawa, Canada: Community-Based Natural Resource Management Program Initiative, International Development Research Centre (IDRC). [download]
  130. Mullins, Dan. 2001. "Land reform, poverty reduction and HIV/AIDS." Paper presented at the 'SARPN conference on land reform and poverty alleviation in Southern Africa', Pretoria, South Africa, 4-5 June 2001. Description: AIDS affects both the people whom land reform is intended to benefit, and the people staffing the institutions that support land reform. The most productive age group, 25-45 years old, is hardest hit. The susceptibility of the productive age group means communities that have access to resources are faced with a decline of skills and labor, along with a depletion of financial and reproductive assets. This undermines their ability to make use of natural resources. Keywords: AIDS, HIV, land reform, poverty reduction. [download]
  131. Murombedzi, James C. 1998. "The evolving context of community-based natural resource management in Sub-Saharan Africa in historical perspective." Plenary presentation, the 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Keywords: theory. [download]
  132. Murombo, Tumai. 2002. "Community based natural resources management and common property rights in land reform legislation: the case of Zimbabwe." Paper presented at the 'Ninth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June 2002. Keywords: CPR, law. [download]
  133. Murphee, Marshall. 1999. "Governance and community capacity." Paper presented at the CASS/PLAAS inaugural meeting on 'Community Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa: A regional programme of analysis and communication', Kadoma, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1999. Keywords: governance. [download]
  134. Mutanga, Enock. 2009. "Management of Miombo forest resources by communities, is it a reality? A discussion of corner stones for effective community forestry management to support resource commercialization." Keywords: commercialization, community forestry, Miombo, Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe. [download]
  135. Neighbor, Hope. 2001. "Niger benchmarking study: Harmonizing decentralized financial management." Draft, 31 July 2001. Washington D.C., United States: Africa Rural Development, World Bank. Keywords: financial management, FM, Niger. Comments: reviewed in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 13, September 2001 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  136. Newsham, Andrew J. 2002. Participation: processes, problematics and Campfire. Occasional Paper. Centre for African Studies, University of Edinburgh. Keywords: Zimbabwe. [download]
  137. Newsham, Andrew J. 2003. "People in conservation and development in Namibia and Argentina: Participation, institutions and questions of transfer." PhD proposal, Centre for African Studies, University of Edinburgh. Keywords: common property, comparative, comparison, ecotourism, trophy hunting. Comments: The proposal is presented in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 21, June 2003 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  138. Ng, Sandra N. W. 2001. Community-based resource management workshop: Some effective methodologies. Ideas Exchange Series, no. 6. Boston, Mass., United States: Oxfam America. Keywords: planning logistics, simulated negotiation, training. Comments: Output from a workshop on CBNRM in Otavalo, Ecuador, March 2001. [download]
  139. Nicholas, Kunga Ngece. 2002. "Collaborative forest management or community forest management: The case of Mpanga Forest Reserve, Uganda." September 2002. Kampala, Uganda: Friends of Mpigi Forest Conservation and Development Organization (FOMAF). Keywords: CFM. [download] 1
  140. Nicholas, Kunga Ngece. 2002. "Community based tourism: What can the people of East Africa learn from success stories elsewhere?" November 2002. Nairobi, Kenya: East African Ecotourism Development and Conservation Consultants. Keywords: ecotourism. [download]
  141. Nicholas, Kunga Ngece. 2003. "Challenges in forestry conservation in East Africa. Is community based forestry the key to forest survival?" January 2003. Nairobi, Kenya: East African Ecotourism Development and Conservation Consultants. Keywords: conservation, forestry. [download] 0
  142. Omosa, Eileen. 2002. "Community natural resource management for sustainable livelihoods." Presented at the workshop 'Enhancing natural resources and livelihoods globally through community-based resource management', 6-9 November 2002. Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada: Learning and Innovations Institute, St. Francis Xavier University. Keywords: forests, Kenya. [download]
  143. Osborn, Loki. 1998. "Elephant/human conflict around Maputo Elephant Reserve, Mozambique."
  144. Ostrom, Elinor. 1990. Governing the commons. The evolution of institutions for collective action. New York, New York, United States: Cambridge University Press.
  145. Ostrom, Elinor. 1998. "Self-governance and forest resources." Plenary presentation, the 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Keywords: forestry, theory. [download]
  146. Oxfam. 2002. Rigged rules and double standards. Trade, globalisation, and the fight against poverty. Summary. Oxfam. Keywords: globalisation, trade. Comments: This is a summary of the more comprehensive report by the same name. [download]
  147. Palmer, Robert. 1997. "Contested lands in Southern and Eastern Africa: A literature survey." Report to Oxfam UK and Ireland. Oxford: Oxfam.
  148. Palmer, Robert. 1999. "Report on 'DFID workshop on land tenure, poverty and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa', Sunningdale, Berkshire, February 1999." London, United Kingdom: Oxfam Great Britain. Keywords: common property, commons, property, tenure. [download]
  149. Parnell, Susan. 2000. "Environment and poverty in Southern Africa - regional linkages." Background paper for DFID SA and CA. November 2000. Keywords: poverty, Southern Africa. [download]
  150. Pathak, Neema and Ashish Kothari. 2001. Communities and biodiversity: Lessons from South Asia. Biodiversity, Journal of Life on Earth, vol 2, no. 1, February 2001. Keywords: biodiversity, community, South Asia. [download]
  151. Peters, P. 1995. Dividing the commons: Politics, policy and culture in Botswana. University of Virginia Press.
  152. Pinedo, Danny, et al. 2000. "Community-based natural resource management as a non-linear process: A case study in the Peruvian Amazon Varza." Paper presented at the 'Eighth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Bloomington, Indiana, United States, 31 May - 4 June 2003. Keywords: fish, fisheries, management, Peru, ribereno, ribereño. [download]
  153. Poteete, Amy and Elinor Ostrom. 2002. An institutional approach to the study of forest resources. In: John Poulsen, ed. Human impacts on tropical forest biodiversity and genetic resources. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). New York: CABI Publishing. Keywords: forestry, institution. [download]
  154. "Poverty and inequality in South Africa." 1998. Report prepared for the Office of the Executive Deputy President and the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Poverty and Inequality. Summary Report, 13 May 1998." URL:
  155. Regional Center for Southern Africa. 1998. "Assessment of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in Southern Africa." Draft, July 1998. Prepared by Agricultural Development Consultants, Inc., Miami, Florida, United States. Gaborone, Botswana: Regional Center for Southern Africa (RCSA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Keywords: Botswana, Southern Africa. [download]
  156. "Report. Assessment of natural resource management changes in Senegal in the period 1992 to 1998 from the knowledge, attitudes, and practices surveys." Vol. 3 of 3 (May 1999). URL:
  157. Rice, Matthew. 2001. "What is community-based natural resource management? An introduction to CBNRM." Prepared in connection with a lecture given at a seminar in Illmitz, Germany, 17-20 October 2001. Description: Discussion of the term 'community-based natural resource management'. Keywords: definition, Southern Africa, theory. URL: [download]
  158. Rihoy, E. 1998. Natural resource tenure in Southern Africa: Exploring options and opportunities. Harare, Zimbabwe: Africa Resources Trust.
  159. Rihoy, E. 1998. Policy Brief: Natural resource tenure in Southern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: IUCN-ROSA.
  160. Rihoy, L., ed. 1995. The commons without a tragedy? Strategies for community based natural resources management in Southern Africa. Proceedings of the Regional Natural Resource Management Programme, Annual Conference, Kasane, Botswana, 3-6 April 1995. Lilongwe, Malawi: SADC Wildlife Technical Coordination Unit.
  161. Roe, Emery and Michael van Eeten. 2001. Threshold-based resource management: A framework for comprehensive ecosystem management. Environmental Management, vol. 27, p. 195-214. Description: Reviews the problems posed by adaptive management for improved ecosystem health, and argues that new forms of science-informed ecosystem management are needed in cases of conflict between rapid population growth, increased resource extraction and the rising demand for better environmental amenities. A framework of threshold-based resource management is presented. Keywords: ecosystem management, threshold-based resource management. Comments: Cf. Fortmann, Roe and van Eeten (2001).
  162. Rozemeijer, Nico. 2002. "Network who? The impact of 'networks' on the participation of communities in Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) in Botswana." Paper prepared for the 'Ninth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June 2002. Keywords: Botswana, networks, participation. Comments: Part of the panel 'Transcending barriers: the role of networks in NRM', co-sponsored by CBNRM Net. [download]
  163. Rozemeijer, Nico. 2002. "The expected impact of the new 'Game Ranching Policy for Botswana' on CBNRM." September 2002. Gaborone, Botswana: IUCN/SNV CBNRM Support Programme. [download]
  164. Rozemeijer, Nico. 2003. "CBNRM in Botswana. Revisiting the assumptions after 10 years of implementation." 18 February 2003. Background paper for the World Parks Congress in Durban, August-September 2003. Keywords: benefit distribution, conservation, environmental degradation, evaluation, impact, wildlife. [download]
  165. Rozemeijer, Nico, et al. 1999. "Background paper." National conference on community based natural resource management in Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, 26-29 July 1999. [download]
  166. Shackleton, Sheona, et al. 2002. Devolution and community-based natural resource management: creating space for local people to participate and benefit? ODI Natural Resource Perspectives, no. 76, March 2002. London, United Kingdom: Overseas Development Institute. Keywords: devolution. [download]
  167. Singh, Katar and K. K. Gupta. 1997. "The Sadguru model of community-based natural resources." Anand, Gujarat, India: Institute or Rural Management Anand. Description: In most of the semi-arid regions of India, inadequate availability of water is the most limiting factor in agricultural and rural development. The NM Sadguru Water and Development Foundation based at Dahod, Gujarat, initiated a community-based innovative experiment in harvesting and utilizing the rain water in the mid seventies in a semi-arid and tribal area in the State of Gujarat. The paper traces the evolution of a community-based resource development and management approach, based on field experience combined with modern technical know-how. This 'Sadguru' model is then presented as an example of NRM with high community involvement which has the potential to become an instrument of sustainable agricultural development in developing countries. Comments: Publisher contact information: Institute of Rural Management Anand, Post Box No. 60, Anand 388 001, Gujarat, India. Phones: +91 2692 60181/60186/60391. Fax: + 91 2692 60188. Email: postmaster(a)
  168. Singh, Subrata K. 2002. "Conflicts, disturbance - a reason to change: lessons from community based natural resource management institutions in Orissa." Paper presented at the 'Ninth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June 2002. Keywords: India. [download]
  169. Soeftestad, Lars T. 1999. "The 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Workshop report." Washington D.C., United States, World Bank. Keywords: analysis, applied, theory. Comments: The workshop and all output is hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Section Webhosting. [download]
  170. Soeftestad, Lars T. 2001. Aligning needs and means. On culture, ICT and knowledge in development cooperation. In: Proceedings of the 24th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Ulvik, Hardanger, Norway, 11-14 August 2001, vol. 1, p. 47-60. Keywords: CBNRM Net, communication, culture, development aid, development cooperation, ICTs, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, networking, networks, political ecology. [download]
  171. Soeftestad, Lars T. 2002. "CBNRM Net: Knowledge management and networking for the global CBNRM community of practice." Paper prepared for the 'Ninth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)', Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June 2002. Keywords: Africa, CBNRM Net, networking, West Africa. Comments: Part of the panel 'Transcending barriers: the role of networks in NRM', co-sponsored by CBNRM Net. [download]
  172. Soeftestad, Lars T. 2004. Coastal and marine resources in the Caribbean: Local co-management and regional knowledge management. CBNRM Net Papers, no. 4, November 2004. ISSN 0809-7119. ISBN-10: 82-92746-03-X. [online] URL: Keywords: Caribbean, coastal resource, knowledge management, marine resource. Comments: Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) in 2003. Published in: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), Tortola, British Virgin Islands, 10-14 November 2003. The CBNRM Net Papers are available in Category CBNRM Net Papers.
  173. Soeftestad, Lars T. 2004. "Biodiversity conservation, communication and language - is English a solution, a problem or both?" 2004. CBNRM Net Papers, no. 7, August 2004. Keywords: biodiversity, CBNRM Net, communication, conservation, language. Comments: Prepared in connection with CBNRM Net's focus on language and communication (see Category Dictionaries), cf. Soeftestad, et al (2004), the CBNRM Net Papers are available in Category CBNRM Net Papers. [download]
  174. Soeftestad, Lars T. and Maung K. Sein. 2002. ICT and development: East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet? In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Working Conference of the International Federation for Information Processing, Working Group 9.4, Bangalore, India, 29-31 May 2002, p. 234-45. Bangalore, India and London, United Kingdom: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore and Commonwealth Secretariat. Keywords: developing countries, development aid, ICTs, Norad. Comments: Conference title 'Social implications of computers in developing countries'. Working Group 9.4 is named 'Social implications of computers in developing countries'. [download]
  175. Soeftestad, Lars T., et al. 2004. "Language, culture and communication in development cooperation. On the role of ICTs in networking online communities of practice." CBNRM Net Papers, no. 6, March 2004. Keywords: communication, language, translation. Comments: Prepared in connection with CBNRM Net's focus on language and communication (see Category Dictionaries), see Soeftestad (2004), the CBNRM Net Papers are available in Category CBNRM Net Papers. [download]
  176. Soeftestad, Lars T. and Prakash Kashwan. 2004. "CBNRM Net: From managing natural resources to managing ecosystems, knowledge and people." In: Arno Scharl, ed. Environmental online communication, p. 235-250. London, United Kingdom: Springer. Keywords: communication, environmental, ICTs, knowledge, management, networking, online. Comments: The published version is slightly revised. [download]
  177. Steenkamp, C. and J. Uhr. 2000. "Makuleke land claim: Power relations and community-based natural resource management." Series Evaluating Eden, EE DP 18. 26 p. London, United Kingdom: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). ISSN 15618382.
  178. Swedish International Development Authority. 2003. "The environment, natural resources and HIV/AIDS." Prepared by Mikael Hammarskjöld. Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish International Development Authority (Sida). Keywords: AIDS, food security, health, HIV, livelihood. [download]
  179. Tanzania Home Economics Association. n.d. "Women and land rights: Gain by the Gender Task Forces on Land Bill (1998 Land Acts)." By Freda Chale and Rose Ubwe. Tanzania Home Economics Association (TAHEA). Keywords: gender, Tanzania. [download]
  180. Task Force on Common Property Resources (CPR). 1999. "Workshop on 'Status of common property land resources (CPR-lands) in Gujarat and problems of developing them'." 29 July 1999. Keywords: common, common property, India, property. [download]
  181. Taylor, M. 1996. CBNRM: a select foundation bibliography with emphasis on southern Africa. Lilongwe: SADC Wildlife TCU/NRMP. Harare: Africa Resources Trust. 242 p.
  182. Thangphet, Sopon. 2001. "The impact of HIV/AIDS on community-based resource management: A case study of an indigenous irrigation system in Northern Thailand." Overseas Development Group, University of East Anglia. [download]
  183. Tielkes, Eric, E. Slecht and P. et Hiernaux, eds. 2001. Elevage et gestion de parcours au Sahel, implications pour le développement. Comptes-rendus d'un atelier régional ouest-africain sur 'La gestion des pâturages et les projets de développement: quelles perspectives?', Niamey, Niger, tenu du 2 au 6 Octobre 2000. Stuttgart, Germany: Verlag Grauer, Beuren. ISBN 3-86186-369-3. Keywords: herders, law, pastoralism, rangeland management, West Africa. Comments: The seminar and its proceedings are hosted on the CBNRM Net web site in English and French (see Section Webhosting). The papers presented at the conference and included in the published proceedings can be downloaded from this page.
  184. Tokrisna, Ruangrai, Pongpat Boonchuwong and Penporn Janekarnkij. 1997. "A review on fisheries and coastal community-based management regime in Thailand." July 1997. Submitted to International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. [download]
  185. To Xuan, Phuc. 2002. "Discrepancy between customary law and state law in forest management: A study of a Dao upland community in northern Vietnam." Draft. Hanoi, Vietnam: Center for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies, Hanoi Agricultural University. Keywords: ethnicity, forest management, law, minority, Vietnam. [download]
  186. Twyman, Chasca. 1998. "Rethinking community resource management: Managing resources or managing people in Western Botswana?" Third World Quarterly, vol. 19, issue 4, p. 745 (26 p).
  187. ULG Consultants. 1997. "Community based natural resource management: A strategy for the USAID nature programme, Malawi." Draft final report by ULG Consultants Ltd., University of Arizona. 35p.
  188. United Nations. 1999. "Second progress report on the working paper prepared by Mrs. Erica-Irene A. Daes, Special Rapporteur." UN E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/18, 3 June 1999. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations. Keywords: indigenous peoples, minorities. [download]
  189. United Nations. 1999. "Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous populations. Final report by Miguel A. Martines, Special Rapporteur." UN E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/23, 22 June 1999. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations. Keywords: indigenous peoples, law. [download]
  190. United Nations. 2002. "Press release. Visit to the Philippines of Professor Rodolfo Stavenhagen, UN Special Rapporteur for the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples." Geneva, Switzerland. Keywords: human rights, right to development. [download]
  191. United Nations. 2002. "Debriefing for the Government of the Philippines, by the UN Special Rapporteur for the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples on the occasion of his visit to the Philippines, 2-11 December 2002." Geneva, Switzerland. Keywords: human rights, right to development. [download]
  192. United Nations Development Programme. 2002. "Globally Important Ingenious Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Project document." New York, United States. Comments: Cf. story on GIAHS in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 21, June 2003 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters). [download]
  193. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs & Integrated Regional Information Network. 2003. "Feature: ecological aspects of the conflict." Keywords: conflict, Dar Fur, ecology, environment, nature, the Sudan. [download]
  194. United States Agency for International Development. 1998. "Seminar on community-based natural resource management. Summary report." Prepared by Bruce A. Byers. Washington D.C., United States: United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Keywords: Africa. Comments: Contains a brief summary of the 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States,10-14 May 1998, a summary of an internal USAID CBNRM seminar in May 1998, and conclusions regarding USAID's future work on CBNRM. The workshop and all output is hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Section Webhosting). [download]
  195. United States Agency for International Development. 1999. "Analysis of three case studies about strengthening community institutions for natural resource management." Presented at the USAID workshop on Growth-Environment 'win-win' opportunities through natural resource-based industries, 4 November 1999. Prepared by J. Kathy Parker, Consultant to Associates in Rural Development. Washington D.C., United States: United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Keywords: Africa, governance, GOLD, LIFE, local democracy, Namibia, on-farm, OFPEP, the Philippines. Comments: The report discusses the projects OFPEP (Africa), LIFE (Namibia) and GOLD (the Philippines). [download]
  196. United States Agency for International Development. 2000. "Developing an HIV/AIDS - community-based natural resource management brief and tool kit." Washington D.C., United States: United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Keywords: AIDS, HIV. Comments: This is a tender, for the finished product - a HIV/AIDS toolkit, cf. Development Alternatives (n.d., 2001). [download]
  197. United States Agency for International Development. 2003. Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM). In: Environmental guidelines for small scale activities in Africa, 2nd ed. Draft, 1 February 2003. Nairobi, Kenya: Environmental Assessment Capacity Building Program (ENCAP), United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Keywords: Africa. [download]
  198. Uphoff, Normann. 1998. "Community-based natural resource management: Connecting micro and macro processes, and people with their environments." Plenary presentation, the 'International workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)', Washington D.C., United States, 10-14 May 1998. Keywords: theory. [download]
  199. Vainio-Mattila, Arja H. 1996. "The impact of development interventions on community based natural resource management: Cases from Kenya and Namibia." Fennia, vol. 174, no. 1, p. 125-222. Helsinki, Finland. ISSN 0015-0010. Description: Two key variables, space and gender, are used to examine the hypothesis that development interventions change who has access to, and control over, natural resources in the locality of the intervention. The impacts of development interventions on the natural resource management systems that existed prior to the intervention are examined. Development interventions enter a space within which certain resources are controlled by specific interest groups, and these interventions cause changes in that space. Rural women and men, individually and as communities, develop strategies based on the resources they have access to and control over. Any change in those resources will impact on their ability to control development in their own community. The concept of Specific Interest Space (SIS) was developed to identify the space an individual or a community perceives itself to have control over. The analysis is informed by two case studies: the Bura Fuelwood Plantation Project in Kenya, and the Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Ohangwena Region in Namibia.
  200. "Village by-laws in Tanzania." 1969. Description: Outlines the role of village by-laws in CBNRM in Tanzania. Village by-laws can be a useful mechanism for local communities, through their village councils, to make and enforce rules concerning their natural resources. It is shown, however, that by-laws by themselves do little to safeguard local natural resources if they are not created in a participatory planning process that reflects the interests of the local community. Keywords: assembly, council, institutions, law.
  201. Vodden, Kelly. 1993. "Nanwakola: Co-management and sustainable community development in a BC fishing village." B.A. Thesis, University of Western Ontario. Keywords: co-management, economic development, fisheries. [download]
  202. Wabnitz, Hans-Werner. 1999. "Return to the sources. Protection of access to common property resources under traditional law. An overview of the Code Pastoral in Mauritania." Draft, September 1999. Keywords: herders, pastoralism, rangeland management. [download]
  203. Wainwright, Carla and Walter Wehrmeyer. 1998. "Success in integrating conservation and development? A study from Zambia." World Development, vol. 26, issue 6, p. 933 (12 p).
  204. Weitzner, Viviane. 2002. "Cutting-edge policies on indigenous peoples and mining: key lessons for the World Summit and beyond." Ottawa, Canada: The North-South Institute, August 2002. Keywords: Colombia, Guyana, participation. [download: English version, Spanish version]
  205. White, Andy and Alejandra Martin. 2002. "Who owns the world's forests? Forest tenure and public forests in transition." Washington D.C., United States: Forest Trends and Center for International Environmental Law. Keywords: property rights, tenure. [download]
  206. Woollard, Donovan. 2000. "A question of value. A social capital and community-based resource management literature review." April 2000. Burnaby, British Colombia, Canada: SFU Economic Development Centre and UBS Sustainable Development Research Institute, Simon Fraser University. Keywords: social capital. [download]
  207. World Bank. 1998. West Africa: Community Based Natural Resource Management. Findings, Africa Region, no. 107, November 1998. Washington D.C., United States: World Bank. Keywords: evaluation, West Africa. Comments: A French version is available (cf. World Bank 1998). [download]
  208. World Bank. 1998. Gestion des ressources naturelles par les communautés en Afrique de l'Ouest. Findings, Region Afrique, no. 107, November 1998. Washington D.C., United States: World Bank. Keywords: evaluation, operations, West Africa. Comments: An English version is available (cf. World Bank 1998). [download]
  209. World Bank. 2002. Niger: The natural resources management project. Findings, Africa region, no. 76, May 2002. Washington D.C., United States: World Bank. Comments: A French version is available (cf. World Bank 2002), abstracted in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 20, February 2003 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters), presented in Category Projects. [download]
  210. World Bank. 2002. Niger: Le projet de Gestion des Ressources naturelles. Findings, Region Afrique, no. 76, May 2002. Washington D.C., United States: World Bank. Comments: An English version is available (cf. World Bank 2002), abstracted in CBNRM Net Newsletter, no. 20, February 2003 (see Category CBNRM Net Newsletters), presented in Category Projects. [download]
  211. World Bank. 2002. "Mauritania: Technology Fosters Tradition (TFT). Concept Note." June 2002. Prepared by Lars T. Soeftestad and Hans-Werner Wabnitz. Washington D.C., United States: World Bank. Keywords: common property, CPR, legal reform, Mauritania, pastoralism, traditional knowledge, Sahel, West Africa. Comments: Available also in French and Arabic, the TFT web site is hosted on the CBNRM Net web site (see Section Webhosting). [download]
  212. World Resources Institute. 1996. Participation and development assistance in Africa. By Allan Hoben, Pauline Peters and Dianne Rocheleau. PCG Policy Brief, no. 3, September 1996. Keywords: Africa, development assistance, participation, USAID. Comments: Published by the Natural Resources Policy Consultative Group for Africa (PCG), a joint initiative of the United States Agency for International Development and World Resources Institute. [download]
  213. World Wide Fund for Nature. 2006. Community-based natural resource management manual. Ivan Bond, A. Davis, C. Nott, K. Nott and G. Stuart-Hill. Wildlife management series. Harare, Zimbabwe: WWF-World Wide fund for Nature, Southern African Regional Office (SARPO). Description: Aims to provide an introduction to CBNRM in Southern Africa. Examples are taken from across the region. Keywords: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, training. Comments: Prepared with the assistance of the Namibian Association of Community-Based Natural Resource Management Support Organisations (NACSO). [download]
  214. World Wide Fund for Nature. 2007. "Empowering rural communities to manage wildlife: Lessons learned from WWF - SARPO's support to CAMPFIRE Project 1993-2002." By Ivan Bond, Lilian Goredema, Russell Tailor and Sonya Vermeulen. WWF - SARPO Occasional Paper Number 14, October 2007. Harare, Zimbabwe: WWF-World Wide fund for Nature, Southern African Regional Office (SARPO). Keywords: empowerment, Southern Africa. Comments: submitted by Lilian Goredema, co-author and CBNRM Net member, 12/2007. [download]
  215. ZERO. 1998. Enhancing land reforms in Southern Africa: Reviews on land reform strategies and CBNRM. Harare, Zimbabwe: ZERO - Regional Environmental Organization.
  216. ZERO. 1998. Setting the foundations for building capacities, networking and research on land reforms in Southern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: ZERO.