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Use statistics 2002, Monthly overview
This Item presents selected monthly use statistics for 2002 for the CBNRM Net web site. Data on the following variables are given: Total visitors, total pageviews, total hits, total bytes transferred, average visitors per day, average pageviews per day, average hits per day, average bytes transferred per day, average pageviews per visitor, average hits per visitor, average bytes per visitor, and average length of visit. Definitions of the variables are available on Page Help.
January 2002
Total visitors - 2,917; Total pageviews - 12,746; Total hits - 15,800; Total bytes transferred - 366.9 Mb; Average visitors per day - [not available]; Average pageviews per day - [not available]; Average hits per day: [not available]; Average bytes transferred per day: [not avilable]; Average pageviews per visitor - [not available]; Average hits per visitor - [not available]; Average bytes per visitor - [not available]; Average length of visit - [not available]
Visitors by client domains
Argentina (ar) - 9, Australia (au) - 46, Austria (at) - 5, Belgium (be) - 63, Bhutan (bt) - 8, Botswana (bw) - 14, Brazil (br) - 2, Burkina Faso (bf) - 2, Cambodia (kh) - 20, Canada (ca) - 233, Chile (cl) - 3, Colombia (co) - 1, Cote d'Ivoire (ci) - 2, Croatia (hr) - 2, Denmark (dk) - 16, Dominican Republic (do) - 2, Finland (fi) - 121, France (fr) - 166, Germany (de) - 136, Greece (gr) - 13, Hong Kong (hk) - 2, Hungary (hu) - 21, Iceland (is) - 1, India (in) - 28, Indonesia (id) - 5, Ireland (ie) - 6, Israel (il) - 2, Italy (it) - 48, Japan (jp) - 45, Jordan (jo) - 6, Malaysia (my) - 5, Mexico (mx) - 8, Namibia (na) - 3, Nepal (np) - 14, Netherlands (nl) - 162, New Zealand (nz) - 4, Nigeria (ng) - 2, Norway (no) - 164, Pakistan (pk) - 8, Peru (pe) - 1, Philippines (ph) - 19, Portugal (pt) - 7, Romania (ro) - 15, Samoa (ws) - 3, South Africa (za) - 86, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 3, Senegal (sn) - 97, Singapore (sg) - 12, Slovenia (si) - 3, Spain (es) - 7, Sweden (se) - 30, Switzerland (ch) - 6, Taiwan (tw) - 7, Tanzania (tz) - 5, Thailand (th) - 15, Trinidad and Tobago (tt) - 8, Uganda (ug) - 5, United Kingdom (uk) - 65, United States (us) - 2, Zambia (zm) - 13, Zimbabwe (zw) - 18
Commercial (com) - 7908, Educational (edu) - 274, Network (net) - 1644, Non-profit organizations (org) - 309, USA government (gov) - 2, Unresolved - 3158
February 2002
Total visitors - 2,687; Total pageviews - 14,460; Total hits - 17,365; Total bytes transferred - 568.1 Mb; Average visitors per day - [not available]; Average pageviews per day - [not available]; Average hits per day: [not available]; Average bytes transferred per day: [not avilable]; Average pageviews per visitor - [not available]; Average hits per visitor - [not available]; Average bytes per visitor - [not available]; Average length of visit - [not available]
Visitors by client domains
Argentina (ar) - 1, Australia (au) - 100, Austria (at) - 7, Belgium (be) - 52, Botswana (bw) - 18, Brazil (br) - 2, Canada (ca) - 325, Denmark (dk) - 8, Dominican Republic (do) - 2, Finland (fi) - 33, France (fr) - 267, Germany (de) - 164, Greece (gr) - 62, India (in) - 16, Indonesia (id) - 11, Israel (il) - 6, Italy (it) - 6, Japan (jp) - 37, Lesotho (ls) - 12, Lithuania (lt) - 6, Mali (ml) - 3, Malaysia (my) - 4, Mexico (mx) - 4, Namibia (na) - 2, Nepal (np) - 20, Netherlands (nl) - 167, New Zealand (nz) - 28, Nicaragua (ni) - 13, Norway (no) - 367, Philippines (ph) - 38, Poland (pl) - 110, Russian Federation (ru) - 12, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 28, Singapore (sg) - 7, Slovak Republic (sk) - 5, South Africa (za) - 253, South Korea (kr) - 1, Spain (es) - 69, Sweden (se) - 16, Switzerland (ch) - 54, Taiwan (tw) - 6, Thailand (th) - 34, Trinidad and Tobago (tt) - 2, United Kingdom (uk) - 168, United States (us) - 44, Zambia (zm) - 68
Commercial (com) - 7626, Educational (edu) - 294, Network (net) - 3649, Non-profit organizations (org) - 666, USA government (gov) - 2, US military (mil) - 2, Unresolved - 2779
March 2002
Total visitors - 3,415; Total pageviews - 16,144; Total hits - 19,793; Total bytes transferred - 604.4 Mb; Average visitors per day - [not available]; Average pageviews per day - [not available]; Average hits per day: [not available]; Average bytes transferred per day: [not avilable]; Average pageviews per visitor - [not available]; Average hits per visitor - [not available]; Average bytes per visitor - [not available]; Average length of visit - [not available]
Visitors by client domains
Albania (al) - 1, Argentina (ar) - 1, Australia (au) - 41, Austria (at) - 2, Belgium (be) - 9, Benin (bj) - 1, Bhutan (bt) - 2, Botswana (bw) - 2, Brazil (br) - 4, Bulgaria (bg) - 1, Cambodia (kh) - 1, Canada (ca) - 81, Croatia (hr) - 2, Cyprus (cy) - 1, Czech Republic - (cz) 1, Denmark (dk) - 10, Estonia (ee) - 1, Finland (fi) - 7, France (fr) - 61, Germany (de) - 27, Greece (gr) - 1, Hong Kong (hk) - 2, Hungary (hu) - 4, India (in) - 4, Indonesia (id) - 2, Ireland (ie) - 2, Israel (il) - 2, Italy (it) - 6, Japan (jp) - 5, Kenya (ke) - 3, Lithuania (lt) - 1, Madagascar (mg) - 1, Malaysia (my) - 8, Mexico (mx) - 4, Morocco (ma) - 1, Namibia (na) - 3, Nepal (np) - 3, Netherlands (nl) - 112, New Zealand (nz) - 8, Norway (no) - 19, Oman (om) - 1, Pakistan (pk) - 1, Peru (pe) - 3, Philippines (ph) - 9, Poland (pl) - 60, Portugal (pt) - 2, Romania (ro) - 3, Saint Lucia (lc) - 1, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 1, Singapore (sg) - 7, South Africa (za) - 29, South Korea (kr) - 1, Spain (es) - 11, Sweden (se) - 2, Switzerland (ch) - 10, Taiwan (tw) - 7, Tanzania (tz) - 3, Thailand (th) - 3, Turkey (tr) - 1, Uganda (ug) - 1, United Arab Emirates (ae) - 2, United Kingdom (uk) - 49, United States (us) - 7, Venezuela (ve) - 1, Vietnam (vn) - 1, Yugoslavia (cr) - 3, Zambia (zm) - 1, Zimbabwe (zw) - 4
Commercial (com) - 1220, Educational (edu) - 87, Network (net) - 493, Non-profit organizations (org) - 61, Old style Arpanet - 1, USA government (gov) - 10, USA military (mil) - 1, Other - 2, Unresolved - 18
April 2002
Total visitors - 3,398; Total pageviews - 15,397; Total hits - 17,818; Total bytes transferred - 820.5 Mb; Average visitors per day - [not available]; Average pageviews per day - [not available]; Average hits per day: [not available]; Average bytes transferred per day: [not avilable]; Average pageviews per visitor - [not available]; Average hits per visitor - [not available]; Average bytes per visitor - [not available]; Average length of visit - [not available]
Visitors by client domains
Australia (au) - 44, Austria (at) - 4, Barbados (bb) - 1, Belgium (be) - 14, Benin (bj) - 1, Bhutan (bt) - 2, Bolivia (bo) - 1, Botswana (bw) - 3, Brazil (br) - 4, Burkina Faso (bf) - 1, Cambodia (kh) - 3, Canada (ca) - 109, Chad (td) - 1, Chile (cl) - 1, China (cn) - 3, Colombia (co) - 1, Costa Rica (cr) - 1, Croatia (hr) - 1, Cuba (cu) - 2, Czech Republic (cz) - 1, Denmark (dk) - 9, Finland (fi) - 2, France (fr) - 63, Germany (de) - 28, Greece (gr) - 1, Guatemala (gt) - 1, Guinea (gn) - 1, Guyana (gy) - 1, Hong Kong (hk) - 2, Hungary (hu) - 3, India (in) - 17, Indonesia (id) - 11, Iran (ir) - 1, Ireland (ie) - 1, Israel (il) 1, Italy (it) - 13, Japan (jp) - 12, Jordan (jo) - 1, Kenya (ke) - 1, Lithuania (lt) - 1, Luxembourg (lu) - 1, Madagascar (mg) - 1, Malaysia (my) - 4, Mexico (mx) - 4, Mongolia (mn) - 1, Namibia (na) - 4, Nepal (np) - 2, Netherlands (nl) - 38, New Zealand (nz) - 6, Norway (no) - 53, Pakistan (pk) - 1, Peru (pe) - 4, Philippines (ph) - 2, Poland (pl) - 15, Portugal (pt) - 3, Romania (ro) - 1, Russian Federation (ru) - 2, Senegal (sn) - 1, Singapore (sg) - 8, South Africa (za) - 44, South Korea (kr) - 3, Spain (es) - 9, Sweden (se) - 9, Switzerland (ch) - 18, Taiwan (tw) - 3, Thailand (th) - 7, Trinidad and Tobago (tt) - 1, Turks and Caicos Islands (tc) - 1, United Arab Emirates (ae) - 3, United Kingdom (uk) - 43, United States (us) - 20, Uganda (ug) - 3, Virgin Islands [USA] (vi) - 1, Yugoslavia (yu) - 1, Zambia (zm) - 1, Zimbabwe (zw) - 1
Commercial (com) - 1326, Educational (edu) - 129, Network (net) - 691, Non-profit organizations (org) - 46, Old style Arpanet - 26, USA government (gov) - 11, USA military (mil) - 2, Other - 1, Unresolved - 465
May 2002
Total visitors - 3,495; Total pageviews - 18,325; Total hits - 22,749; Total bytes transferred - 975.9 Mb; Average visitors per day - [not available]; Average pageviews per day - [not available]; Average hits per day: [not available]; Average bytes transferred per day: [not avilable]; Average pageviews per visitor - [not available]; Average hits per visitor - [not available]; Average bytes per visitor - [not available]; Average length of visit - [not available]
Visitors and pagewiews by client domains
Argentina (ar) - 1/2, Australia (au) - 36/104, Austria (at) - 4/17, Belgium (be) - 14/34, Botswana (bw) - 6/21, Brazil (br) - 3/5, Burkina Faso (bf) - 1/1, Cambodia, Kingdom of (kh) - 2/3, Canada (ca) - 78/226, Chad (td) - 1/3, China (cn) - 2/3, Cocos (Keeling) Islands (cc) - 2/3, Colombia (co) - 1/13, Denmark (dk) - 7/27, Dominican Republic (do) - 1/2, Estonia (es) - 1, Finland (fi) - 1/1, France (fr) - 69/197, Germany (de) - 14/53, Ghana (gh) - 1/2, Greece (gr) - 1/2, India (in) - 17/76, Indonesia (id) - 13/142, Ireland (ie) - 3/18, Italy (it) - 11/31, Japan (jp) - 24/32, Kenya (ke) - 3/12, Latvia (lv) - 1/4, Lebanon (lb) - 2/3, Lithuania (lt) - 1/4, Luxembourg (lu) - 2/4, Malaysia (my) - 4/8, Mali (ml) - 2/5, Mexico (mx) - 6/15, Namibia (na) - 5/8, Nepal (np) - 2/2, Netherlands (nl) - 21/35, New Zealand (nz) - 4/7, Norway (no) - 75/4514, Philippines (ph) - 1/1, Poland (pl) - 6/14, Portugal (pt) - 2/3, Romania (ro) - 1/5, Russian Federation (ru) - 1/2, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 3/5, Singapore (sg) - 5/12, South Africa (za) - 62/206, South Korea (kr) - 2/5, Spain (es) - 5/23, Sweden (se) - 9/43, Switzerland (ch) - 19/73, Taiwan (tw) - 3/11, Tanzania (tz) - 1/8, Thailand (th) - 8/24, Turkey (tr) - 2/4, Tuvalu (tv) - 1/1, Uganda (ug) - 1/12, United Arab Emirates (ae) - 1/1, United Kingdom (uk) - 35/122, United States (us) - 5/10, Venezuela (ve) - 1/2, Yemen (ye) - 1/1, Yugoslavia (yu) - 1/2, Zambia (zm) - 4/14, Zimbabwe (zw) - 0
Commercial (com) - 1252/4248, Educational (edu) - 88/433, International (int) - 1/2, Network (net) - 964/4112, Non-profit organizations (org) - 35/337, Old style Arpanet (arpa) - 20/97, USA government (gov) - 4/19, Other - 3/20, Unresolved - 506/2814
June 2002
Total visitors - 3,088; Total pageviews - 10,534; Total hits - 12,468; Total bytes transferred - 403.5 Mb; Average visitors per day - [not available]; Average pageviews per day - [not available]; Average hits per day: [not available]; Average bytes transferred per day: [not avilable]; Average pageviews per visitor - [not available]; Average hits per visitor - [not available]; Average bytes per visitor - [not available]; Average length of visit - [not available]
Visitors and pageviews by client domains
Australia (au) - 27/79, Austria (at) - 4/8, Belgium (be) - 17/55, Bhutan (bt) - 1/4, Brazil (br) - 1/8, Bulgaria (bg) - 1/12, Cambodia, Kingdom of (kh) - 1/1, Canada (ca) - 81/232, Chile (cl) - 2/3, China (cn) - 4/59, Colombia (co) - 1/2, Denmark (dk) - 10/42, Estonia (ee) - 1/2, Finland (fi) - 3/8, France (fr) - 68/225, Germany (de) - 26/147, Greece (gr) - 3/8, Holy See (Vatican City State) (va) - 1/4, Hungary (hu) - 1/2, India (in) - 15/49, Indonesia (id) - 5/11, Italy (it) - 8/16, Japan (jp) - 15/33, Kenya (ke) - 3/7, Luxembourg (lu) - 1/2, Madagascar (mg) - 1/9, Malaysia (my) - 2/1, Mauritania (mr) - 1/8, Mexico (mx) - 3/5, Namibia (na) - 2/18, Nepal (np) - 4/4, Netherlands (nl) - 51/109, New Zealand (nz) - 8/28, Norway (no) - 12/27, Pakistan (pk) - 1/2, Philippines (ph) - 6/20, Peru (pe) - 3/5, Poland (pl) - 14/17, Portugal (pt) - 2/10, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 9/11, Senegal (sn) - 2/21, Singapore (sg) - 6/20, Slovak Republic (sk) - 1/1, Slovenia (si) - 1/3, South Africa (za) - 29/109, Spain (es) - 9/17, Sweden (se) - 5/11, Switzerland (ch) - 22/44, Tanzania (tz) - 3/6, Thailand (th) - 10/32, Togo (tg) - 1/2, Turkey (tr) - 2/3, Uganda (ug) - 1/2, United States (us) - 3/10, United Kingdom (uk) - 39/110, Vietnam (vn) - 1/3, Zambia (zm) - 3/8, Zimbabwe (zw) - 3/8
Commercial (com) - 1422/4493, Educational (edu) - 35/172, Network (net) - 566/2018, Non-profit organizations (org) - 22/79, Old style Arpanet (arpa) - 15/35, USA government (gov) - 12/35, Unresolved - 456/1999
July 2002
Total visitors - 3,012; Total pageviews - 11,692; Total hits - 12,892; Total bytes transferred - 335.7 Mb; Average visitors per day - [not available]; Average pageviews per day - [not available]; Average hits per day: [not available]; Average bytes transferred per day: [not avilable]; Average pageviews per visitor - [not available]; Average hits per visitor - [not available]; Average bytes per visitor - [not available]; Average length of visit - [not available]
Visitors and pageviews by client domains
Algeria (dz) - 1/1, Argentina (ar) - 2/1, Australia (au) - 29/114, Austria (at) - 1/1, Belgium (be) - 13/31, Belize (bz) - 55/152, Bolivia (bo) - 2/4, Brazil (br) - 5/14, Bulgaria (bg) - 1/1, Burkina Faso (bf) - 1/1, Cambodia, Kingdom of (kh) - 3/3, Canada (ca) - 84/720, China (cn) - 6/11, Colombia (co) - 3/7, Costa Rica (cr) - 1/7, Denmark (dk) - 15/54, Fiji (fj) - 1/1, Finland (fi) - 2/13, France (fr) - 62/240, Germany (de) - 21/112, Greece (gr) - 2/4, Guatemala (gt) - 1/2, Iceland (is) - 1/1, India (in) - 13/45, Indonesia (id) - 4/82, Ireland (ie) - 1/2, Israel (il) - 4/4, Italy (it) - 11/57, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) (ci) - 1/1, Japan (jp) - 12/27, Lebanon (lb) - 1/21, Madagascar (mg) - 1/3, Malaysia (my) - 2/2, Mali (ml) - 1/4, Mauritius (mu) - 1/1, Mexico (mx) - 2/3, Namibia (na) - 5/20, Nepal (np) - 2/20, Netherlands (nl) - 49/102, New Zealand (nz) - 4/22, Norway (no) - 46/187, Peru (pe) - 4/8, Philippines (ph) - 4/8, Poland (pl) - 21/24, Romania (ro) - 2/5, Russian Federation (ru) - 1/5, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 9/10, Senegal (sn) - 2/10, Singapore (sg) - 7/28, Slovak Republic (sk) - 1/4, South Africa (za) - 32/83, Spain (es) - 4/8, Sri Lanka (lk) - 1/2, Sweden (se) - 3/9, Switzerland (ch) - 11/20, Taiwan (tw) - 1/2, Tanzania (tz) - 1/3, Thailand (th) - 15/33, Togo (tg) - 2/10, United Arab Emirates (ae) - 2/2, United States (us) - 1/8, United Kingdom (uk) - 56/253, Vietnam (vn) - 8/23, Zambia (zm) - 3/10
Commercial (com) - 891/4257, Educational (edu) - 40/139, Network (net) - 710/2061, Non-profit organizations (org) - 23/154, Old style Arpanet (arpa) - 17/53, USA government (gov) - 4/14, USA military (mil) - 3/7, Other - 1/2, Unresolved - 660/2308
August 2002
Total visitors - 3,109; Total pageviews - 11,844; Total hits - 13,213; Total bytes transferred - 423.9 Mb; Average visitors per day - [not available]; Average pageviews per day - [not available]; Average hits per day: [not available]; Average bytes transferred per day: [not avilable]; Average pageviews per visitor - [not available]; Average hits per visitor - [not available]; Average bytes per visitor - [not available]; Average length of visit - [not available]
Visitors and pageviews by client domains
Australia (au) - 50/245, Austria (at) - 5/30, Belarus (by) - 1/3, Belgium (be) - 16/55, Botswana (bw) - 1/2, Brazil (br) - 4/13, Bulgaria (bg) - 1/1, Cambodia, Kingdom of (kh) - 4/17, Canada (ca) - 76/289, Chile (cl) - 1/12, China (cn) - 9/24, Costa Rica (cr) - 1/3, Czech Republic (cz) - 2/5, Denmark (dk) - 12/37, Egypt (eg) - 2/3, Fiji (fj) - 1/1, Finland (fi) - 4/11, France (fr) - 50/195, Germany (de) - 17/66, Guatemala (gt) - 1/2, Hong Kong (hk) - 1/3, Iceland (is) - 1/1, India (in) - 10/25, Indonesia (id) - 8/28, Ireland (ie) - 2/4, Israel (il) - 4/5, Italy (it) - 7/262, Japan (jp) - 11/23, Kenya (ke) - 1/2, Luxembourg (lu) - 2/15, Malaysia (my) - 4/6, Mexico (mx) - 2/3, Micronesia (fm) -1/4, Namibia (na) - 5/13, Netherlands (nl) - 44/88, New Zealand (nz) - 6/7, Niger (ne) - 1/2, Norway (no) - 10/52, Pakistan (pk) - 1/2, Peru (pe) - 2/5, Philippines (ph) - 8/54, Poland (pl) - 45/46, Portugal (pt) - 1/2, Romania (ro) - 1/2, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 2/2, Sierra Leone (sl) - 1/2, Singapore (sg) - 12/26, Slovak Republic (sk) - 1/3, Slovenia (si) - 2/18, South Africa (za) - 39/123, South Korea (kr) - 1/1, Spain (es) - 5/28, Sweden (se) - 5/18, Switzerland (ch) - 14/60, Taiwan (tw) - 1/7, Thailand (th) - 16/52, Togo (tg) - 2/6, Tunisia (tn) - 1/2, Turkey (tr) - 3/10, Uganda (ug) - 2/4, United Kingdom (uk) - 48/191, United States (us) - 4/30, United Arab Emirates (ae) - 4/4, Uruguay (uy) - 1/2, Vietnam (vn) - 4/8, Zambia (zm) - 3/9
Commercial (com) - 1592/5513, Educational (edu) - 49/195, International (int) - 1/3, Network (net) - 532/2055, Non-profit organizations (org) - 34/638, Old style Arpanet (arpa) - 18/103, USA government (gov) - 9/39, USA military (mil) - 1/1, Other - 2/4, Unresolved - 469/1511
September 2002
[not available]
Visitors and pageviews by client domains
[not available]
October 2002
Total visitors - 4,673; Total pageviews - 15,237; Total hits - 17,117; Total bytes transferred - 603.1 Mb; Average visitors per day - 155; Average pageviews per day - 507; Average hits per day: 570; Average bytes transferred per day: 20.10 Mb; Average pageviews per visitor - 3; Average hits per visitor - 3; Average bytes per visitor - 135,322; Average length of visit - 281 sec
Visitors and pageviews by client domains
Argentina (ar) - 5/15, Australia (au) - 40/118, Austria (at) - 3/13, Belgium (be) - 18/44, Bhutan (bt) - 2/2, Bolivia (bo) - 1/2, Botswana (bw) - 11/63, Brazil (br) - 4/2, Canada (ca) - 86/236, China (cn) - 4/13, Costa Rica (cr) - 4/29, Croatia (hr) - 1/3, Czech Republic (cz) - 1/2, Denmark (dk) - 2/30, Estonia (es) - 1/2, Fiji (fj) - 1/4, Finland (fi) - 10/43, France (fr) - 64/246, Germany (de) - 31/95, Greece (gr) - 2/2, Hungary (hu) - 2/4, India (in) - 12/84, Indonesia (id) - 6/13, Ireland (ir) - 4/14, Israel (il) - 2/3, Italy (it) - 6/29, Jamaica (jm) - 2/4, Japan (jp) - 18/59, Kenya (ke) - 4/25, Kyrgyz Republic / Kyrgyzstan (kg) - 2/5, Latvia (lv) - 1/2, Luxembourg (lu) - 1/4, Malaysia (my) - 4/8, Mali (ml) - 1/1, Mauritius (mu) - 2/2, Mexico (mx) - 3/12, Morocco (ma) - 1/4, Namibia (na) - 8/24, Nepal (np) - 1/1, Netherlands (nl) - 66/148, New Zealand (nz) - 3/9, Norway (no) - 23/61, Pakistan (pk) - 1/1, Philippines (ph) - 5/19, Poland (pl) - 3/9, Romania (ro) - 2/3, Russian Federation (ru) - 1/4, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 6/9, Senegal (sn) - 2/6, Seychelles (sc) - 1/1, Singapore (sg) - 14/43, South Africa (za) - 40/103, South Korea (kr) - 3/8, Spain (es) - 7/18, Sweden (se) - 4/18, Switzerland (ch) - 16/63, Taiwan (tw) - 1/2, Thailand (th) - 4/15, Trinidad and Tobago (tt) - 1/1, United Arab Emirates (ae) - 1/1, United Kingdom (uk) - 79/360, United States (us) - 12/39, Uruguay (uy) - 4/12, Venezuela (ve) - 1/0, Vietnam (vn) - 3/22, Yugoslavia (yu) - 1/15, Zambia (zm) - 4/20, Zimbabwe (zw) - 2/4
Commercial (com) - 2367/5667, Educational (edu) - 87/311, International (int) - 1/9, Network (net) - 565/2733, Non-profit organizations (org) - 41/161, Old style Arpanet (arpa) - 10/33, USA government (gov) - 10/63, USA military (mil) - 1/1, 0ther - 3/4, Unresolved - 907/3979
November 2002
Total visitors - 5,386; Total pageviews - 14,017; Total hits - 15,852; Total bytes transferred - 558.70 Mb; Average visitors per day - 179; Average pageviews per day - 467; Average hits per day: 528; Average bytes transferred per day: 18.29 Mb; Average pageviews per visitor - 2; Average hits per visitor - 2; Average bytes per visitor - 106,816; Average length of visit - 336 sec
Visitors and pageviews by client domains
Argentina (at) - 1/2, Australia (au) - 29/107, Austria (at) - 6/24, Belgium (be) - 28/88, Benin (bj) - 1/73, Bhutan (bt) - 1/9, Botswana (bw) - 12/72, Brazil (br) - 3/10, Burkina Faso (bf) - 1/1, Cambodia, Kingdom of (kh) - 3/12, Canada (ca) - 106/385, Chile (cl) - 2/5, China (cn) - 8/74, Colombia (co) - 3/6, Costa Rica (cr) - 4/8, Czech Republic (cz) - 1/2, Denmark (dk) - 11/67, Dominican Republic (do) - 2/8, Fiji (fj) - 1/8, Finland (fi) - 1/1, Former USSR (su) - 1/1, France (fr) - 58/189, Greece (gr) - 1/2, Germany (de) - 34/131, Guatemala (gt) - 1/3, Hong Kong (hk) - 4/3, Hungary (hu) - 1/31, India (in) - 13/80, Indonesia (id) - 4/9, Ireland (ie) - 5/11, Israel (il) - 5/13, Italy (it) - 10/26, Japan (jp) - 17/39, Jordan (jo) - 1/0, Kenya (ke) - 6/13, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) (kg) - 1/2, Lithuania (lt) - 1/2, Malaysia (my) - 2/2, Malta (mt) - 1/2, Mauritius (mu) - 1/1, Mexico (mx) - 2/9, Mongolia (mn) - 1/4, Morocco (ma) - 3/12, Namibia (na) - 4/19, Nepal (np) - 2/3, Netherlands (nl) - 61/121, New Zealand (nz) - 6/18, Nicaragua (ni) - 1/1, Norway (no) - 31/159, Oman (om) - 1/1, Pakistan (pk) - 2/6, Peru (pe) - 3/19, Philippines (ph) - 12/36, Poland (pl) - 28/351, Russian Federation (ru) - 2/2, Saudi Arabia (sa) - 4/4, Senegal (sn) - 1/1, Seychelles (sc) - 2/2, Singapore (sg) - 5/13, South Africa (za) - 34/103, Spain (es) - 6/17, Suriname (sr) - 1/4, Sweden (se) - 6/14, Switzerland (ch) - 12/37, Taiwan (tw) - 7/4, Tanzania (tz) - 2/8, Thailand (th) - 11/25, Trinidad and Tobago (tt) - 1/4, Turkey (tr) - 1/1, Uganda (ug) - 2/3, United Arab Emirates (ae) - 1/2, United Kingdom (uk) - 74/231, United States (us) - 9/27, Uruguay (uy) - 1/2, Zambia (zm) - 3/17, Zimbabwe (zw) - 1/2
Commercial (com) - 2574/4605, International (int) - 1/1, Educational (edu) - 93/294, Network (net) - 745/2833, Non-profit organizations (edu) - 27/119, Old style Arpanet) - 8/34, USA government (gov) - 3/18, USA military (mil) - 3/4, Other - 3/5, Unresolved - 1193/3300
December 2002
Total visitors - 6,078; Total pageviews - 88,684; Total hits - 105,509; Total bytes transferred - 1,414 Mb; Average visitors per day - 196; Average pageviews per day - 2,860; Average hits per day: 3,403; Average bytes transferred per day: 46.70 Mb; Average pageviews per visitor - 14; Average hits per visitor - 17; Average bytes per visitor - 249,738; Average length of visit - 225 sec
Visitors and pageviews by client domains
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