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Guidance on searching for CBNRM knowledge

This Item includes guidance on how to search for CBNRM knowledge on CBNRM Net and on the World Wide Web (see also Category FAQs).

Search CBNRM Net

There are two ways of searching for CBNRM knowledge on CBNRM Net: (1) Search the whole CBNRM Net, and (2) Search specialized CBNRM knowledge databases.

Search the entire CBNRM Net

This search engine searches all pages on CBNRM Net. Simply type your query in the search box and hit "Search" (relevant search terms include the name of the author(s), word(s) contained in the title, the name of the publication and keywords). Observe that you have several options as to how broad to define your search. You can search the whole CBNRM Net web site, or you can search various slices of CBNRM Net. Slices currently available: (1) CBNRM Net case studies. There is also a special slice that searches the entire CBNRM Net web site together with the web site for the International CBNRM Workshop (Washington D.C., May 1998). Further slices will be added.

Search specialized CBNRM Net databases

This consists of several search engines that search specialized CBNRM knowledge collections or databases. The information in these databases is organized according to several thematic and geographic variables.

  1. Case studies: Searches a database of CBNRM case studies (to be implemented)
  2. Literature: Searches a database of CBNRM literature (to be implemented)
  3. Internet: Searches a database of CBNRM material available on the Internet, including electronic conferences, FTP, Gopher, newsgroups, and WWW (to be implemented)
  4. Persons and organizations: Searches a database of persons and organizations working on CBNRM (to be implemented, access limited to CBNRM Net members)

Search for CBNRM knowledge on the Internet

There is a large number of search engines and indexes available, and it is not easy to understand and master the important and growing field of searching the Internet. The available tools differ from each other in various respects. One important issue is that the tools differ depending on which part of the Internet they target, be it electronic conference, FTP, Gopher, newsgroups or WWW (see Google's Searching the Web for an overview).

Which search tools to use depend on what you are interested in, and where you want to look for it. Most of us use one, or at the most two, search tools, no matter what we look for, and almost all of us search only the World Wide Web (WWW). As far as CBNRM is concerned, some parts of the Internet are more likely to turn up interesting hits than others. This page presents tools for each of these parts of the Internet. As WWW is most important we will begin here, with the other parts to follow.

Many of you use older hardware and have slow connections, and also pay a premium for connecting to the Internet. You are welcome to us, at:, to request a customized CBNRM search, at no cost.

Search engines

This list includes search engines that consistently turn up large numbers of CBNRM related material. Try them out by typing in, for example, "cbnrm" or "CBNRM" (Notes: (1) some search engines require case-sensitive search terms, (2) the first two search engines use a minimum of graphics for faster loading).

Search specialized CBNRM-related knowledge databases

Included here are a select number of websites that overlap with that of CBNRM Net, or that include a large amount of relevant CBNRM knowledge. The CBNRM knowledge on these sites are searchable.