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This Category contains information about, and knowledge on, various kinds and types of funding available to CBNRM stakeholders, be it for analysis, monitoring/evaluation, practical work, or research. This is an information service only, and CBNRM Net are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Where available, information on eligibility and other restrictions are included. Please do not contact CBNRM Net but go directly to the donor in question.
Funding opportunities are listed in the order in which they become available, with the most recent information appearing first. Information on funding opportunities are also available in the CBNRM Net Newsletters (see Category Newsletters).
The Category consists of the following Items:
- Gender, globalization and land tenure. Description: The Gender Unit at IDRC is launching a research competition on the theme "Gender, globalization and land tenure". The competition is to support cutting-edge research that will contribute to knowledge gaps on the role of gender in NRM. Date posted: 14 February 2002. Closing date: 28 March 2002. Email: pgolah@idrc.ca. Keywords: gender, globalization, land tenure. Comments: ?. Download: Call for proposals.
- Post-Doctoral Fellowships in CBNRM. Description: The Institute of Natural Resources (INR) and the Centre of Environment and Development (CEAD) is offering post-doctoral Fellowships in CBNRM. It is envisaged that policy research in this area will: Build institutional capacity in the two organizations; Provide insights and understanding against which to review policy; Provide urgently need policy support for market development in the use of community based natural resources; Enable government and NGOs to support these opportunities in a cost-effective and efficient manner; and Promote re-emergence of community accountability for natural resource management. The INR and CEAD have particular interest in the following fields of CBNRM: Use of indigenous plant resources leading to sustainable enterprises (e.g. trade in medicinal plants, craftwork, bioengineering, food and beverages); Sustainable use of goods and service associated with river systems (including wetlands, riparian areas and estuaries); and Strengthening rural economics through tourism based on sustainable use of natural products and systems. Eligible candidates should submit an expression of interest, which includes: Motivation not exceeding 2 pages; Biographical sketch; Curriculum vitae; Certified copies of academic qualifications; and Letter of support from employer. Closing date: 30 September 2000. Contact: Co-ordinator, CBNRM Post-doctoral Fellowships, Institute of Natural Resources, South Africa. Phone: +27 33 46 0796. Email: ceo@nu.ac.za. Comments: This announcement is included in "e-PRODDER-mail", 3 September 2000, no 181, at: URL: www.hsrc.ac.za/prodder.html.
- Research grant. Description: The applied research grants are available from the Centre for Applied Social Science. The grant is intended to enable researchers to prepare information they already have and publish it. Contact: Dr Phanuel Mugabe, Director, Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, PO Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. Phone: +263 4 306620. Fax: +263 4 307134. Email: phanny@cass.uz.ac.zw. Comments: This announcement is included in "KERN InfoBrief", March 2000 (see URL). Update: The Melissa project has since closed and the web site was taken down.
- MELISSA Program Funding. Description: Guidelines for funding are available on the website (see URL below). Email: melissa@melissa.org. Comments: See description of the MELISSA program in Group Internet. Update: The Melissa project has since closed and the web site was taken down.
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