The Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network

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Final comments

According to many CBNRM practitioners, the most important challenge and need lies in connecting CBNRM practitioners within countries and regions. CBNRM Net aims to contribute to increase the communication and learning between stakeholders located in specific countries and regions.

The emphasis on distributed knowledge management, and on knowledge provision and knowledge sharing, is important because it enables stakeholder participation and involvement while ensuring that the users determine how CBNRM Net should be structured and evolve. The other side of this argument is that active and concerned CBNRM stakeholders will have a unique possibility to influence and determine the content of CBNRM Net and, through this, the direction in which international CBNRM activities will develop.

CBNRM Net is keenly aware of the existing structural inequalities with regard to the management of, and access to, global development knowledge, and takes them as a point of departure for its own mission. To address these inequalities in the area of CBNRM knowledge management and knowledge sharing, CBNRM Net aims to develop and utilize a South-South perspective. Guided by an appreciation of the current limitations and bottlenecks in realizing the full potential of ICT, efforts will be made to use such technologies to develop direct, horizontal and broad ways and means of communicating between CBNRM practitioners and other members of the global CBNRM community of practice. The major problem of the digital divide will be addressed through the parallel emphasis on user involvement and user management on the one side, and use and production of CBNRM knowledge on the other side.