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Worldwide people working on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), as practitioners, managers and researchers, are increasingly requesting better communication capabilities. Such communication and networking capabilities would make it possible for people to exchange experiences, manage relevant knowledge, and support learning across countries, sectors, cultures, and languages, and in this way achieve better results. The global context for these changes includes increased emphasis on culture, local institutions, traditional knowledge, participation and participatory approaches, and NGOs and civil society, within an overall nation-state framework characterized by an increasing weight placed on decentralization, governance, and transparency.
CBNRM Net is a response to this call. It provides a powerful set of broad, robust and useful networking tools aimed at linking stakeholders. As a complete, integrated, and adaptable knowledge management tool, CBNRM Net is presented as a service to the global CBNRM community of practice. Explore CBNRM Net:
The web site is regularly updated, based on feedback from users and supported by a number of individuals, NGOs and organisations. If you would like to learn about building and managing global CBNRM networking activities, become involved in these activities, or write for CBNRM Net, you should contact us.
Select statistics: around 500 members that live and/or work in almost 100 countries, and 9,750 pageviews/month.
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The CBNRM group on LinkedIn, at:, features interesting discussions and is fast becoming popular. If you are already a member of LinkedIn it is easy to join. If you are not a member you have to register first (this is free). Contact us if you would like to receive an invitation to join the group.